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Sabrina, la bruja adolescente

Sabrina, la bruja adolescente

La serie se centra en Sabrina Spellman, que es una estudiante de 16 años que vive en una casa de aspecto victoriano con sus dos tías Hilda y Zelda Spellman y su gato parlante Salem Saberhagen. Sabrina lleva la vida normal y corriente de una chica de su edad, va a la escuela preparatoria, le gusta ir a la pizzería Slicery con sus amigos. Pero todo cambia radicalmente cuando llega su 16º cumpleaños y sus tías le revelan el gran secreto de la familia: son brujas, incluida ella aunque ella es mitad bruja y mitad mortal. Desde ese momento Sabrina va descubriendo sus poderes, que su gato Salem en realidad es un hombre que quería dominar el mundo, al cual su castigo fue quedar convertido en gato, e incluso que ese normal armario donde guardaban las toallas es en realidad un paso para ir a El Otro Reino (‘la otra esfera’ en España), una dimensión en la que viven brujos y brujas y que les ofrece la posibilidad de poder ir a Marte o a la Luna, entre otras muchas cosas, como viajes en el tiempo y espacio.

Sabrina, cosas de brujas | Sabrina, the Teenage Witch

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Por ahora no hay ninguna critica o voto, se el primero!
  • 22 Min.
  • Trailer
  • TMDB
  • Reparto

    Melissa Joan Hart isSabrina Spellman
    Sabrina Spellman
    Elisa Donovan isMorgan Cavanaugh
    Morgan Cavanaugh
    Nick Bakay isSalem Saberhagen (voice)
    Salem Saberhagen (voice)
    Teller isSkippy
    Debbie Harry isCassandra
    Robby Benson isEdward Spellman
    Edward Spellman
    Shaun Weiss isMale Student
    Male Student
    Ren Woods isMrs. Hecht
    Mrs. Hecht
    Ella Joyce isMrs. Bogzigian
    Mrs. Bogzigian
    Eddie Allen isGuidance Counselor
    Guidance Counselor
    Tom McGowan isPrincipal Larue
    Principal Larue
    Curtis Andersen isStudent #1
    Student #1
    Phillip Glasser isStudent #2
    Student #2
    Randy Travis isIdeal Man
    Ideal Man
    Eddie Cibrian isEddie Cibrian
    Eddie Cibrian
    Geoff Witcher isSportscaster (voice)
    Sportscaster (voice)
    James Fields isStudent Photographer
    Student Photographer
    Aeryk Egan isSports Announcer
    Sports Announcer
    Marvin C. Jones II isRandy the Destroyer
    Randy the Destroyer
    Sally Jessy Raphael isSally Jessy Raphael
    Sally Jessy Raphael
    Linda Kash isM'Lady (voice)
    M'Lady (voice)
    Robin Riker isMarigold
    Phillip Glasser isJames Dean #2
    James Dean #2
    Andrew Keegan isMagic Joel
    Magic Joel
    Mark Fite isCicero
    Vien Hong isTrophy
    Coolio isCoolio
    Billy West isNewt (voice)
    Newt (voice)
    Dave Allen isPizza Manager
    Pizza Manager
    Ed Begley Jr. isMr. Rothwell
    Mr. Rothwell
    Henry Gibson isJudge Samuels
    Judge Samuels
    Steve Bannos isJudge #1
    Judge #1
    Sean Laughton isArresting Officer
    Arresting Officer
    Jack Wagner isJack Wagner
    Jack Wagner
    Chuck McCann isRepairman
    Morwenna Banks isRules Bearer
    Rules Bearer
    Brady Anderson isBrady Anderson
    Brady Anderson
    Gordon Gano isGordon Gano
    Gordon Gano
    Brian Ritchie isBrian Ritchie
    Brian Ritchie
    Bubba Smith isSecurity Guard
    Security Guard
    Sondra Spriggs isMrs. Hecht
    Mrs. Hecht
    Peter Marshall isGame Show Host
    Game Show Host
    Alan Young isMr. Berry
    Mr. Berry
    Angelo Vacco isDelivery Guy
    Delivery Guy
    Beth Howland isMrs. Ericson
    Mrs. Ericson
    Dann Florek isBob Gordon
    Bob Gordon
    Patty Toy isDaphne
    Susan Rossitto isLittle Hilda
    Little Hilda
    Beverly Johnson isFashion Director
    Fashion Director
    Mika Boorem isYoung Zelda
    Young Zelda
    Pancho Demmings isMotorcycle Cop
    Motorcycle Cop
    Bryan Cranston isWitch Lawyer
    Witch Lawyer
    Cory Buck isBoy Prince
    Boy Prince
    Frank Conniff isPrince Randy
    Prince Randy
    Evelyn Furtak isPrincess Isis
    Princess Isis
    Erik Estrada isErik Estrada
    Erik Estrada
    Mary Gross isMrs. Quick
    Mrs. Quick
    Mak Takano isSushi Chef #1
    Sushi Chef #1
    Max K. isSushi Chef #2
    Sushi Chef #2
    Dan Desmond isEngineer B
    Engineer B
    Richard Moll isSergeant Slater
    Sergeant Slater
    Andrea Savage isStacey Fink
    Stacey Fink
    Shannon K. Dunn isFemale Witch Officer
    Female Witch Officer
    Heidi McNeal isJennifer
    Ichiro Banno isSumo Wrestler
    Sumo Wrestler
    Davy Jones isDavy Jones
    Davy Jones
    Paul Sand isDr. Rafkin
    Dr. Rafkin
    Luck Hari isStewardess
    Darlene Kardon isMadame Dermis
    Madame Dermis
    Richard Steven Horvitz isSmaller Chair (voice)
    Smaller Chair (voice)
    Daniel Hagen isCouch (voice)
    Couch (voice)
    Beverly Sanders isChair (voice)
    Chair (voice)
    Alimi Ballard isQuizmaster Albert
    Quizmaster Albert
    Mary Sue Milliken isToo Hot Tamale
    Too Hot Tamale
    Susan Feniger isToo Hot Tamale
    Too Hot Tamale
    Wendy Worthington isMrs. Poupiepenz
    Mrs. Poupiepenz
    Scott Gurney isCollege Recruiter
    College Recruiter
    Aaron Nelms isStudent #1
    Student #1
    Melissa Baum isHippie Clerk
    Hippie Clerk
    Alice Ghostley isGreat-Grandma
    Tom Poston isMortgage Banker
    Mortgage Banker
    John Griffin isFreedom Fighter
    Freedom Fighter
    Drew Carey isDrew Carey
    Drew Carey
    Timothy Oman isSigmund Freud
    Sigmund Freud
    Cindy Lu isReporter
    Irene Olga López isMrs. Martinez
    Mrs. Martinez
    Mark Langston isMark Langston
    Mark Langston
    Beth Grant isMrs. Popowski
    Mrs. Popowski
    Bob Vila isBob Vila
    Bob Vila
    Johnny Mathis isJohnny Mathis
    Johnny Mathis
    Jane Carr isDr. Bull
    Dr. Bull
    Kim Delgado isMr. Glass
    Mr. Glass
    Emily Malinowski isInner Child
    Inner Child
    Cristine Rose isMrs. Chessler
    Mrs. Chessler
    Shelley Long isWicked Witch
    Wicked Witch
    Kevin Knotts isTreetrimmer
    Dona Hardy isOld Woman
    Old Woman
    Sherman Howard isDr. Terdlington
    Dr. Terdlington
    John Ducey isDwayne Kraft
    Dwayne Kraft
    Nick Carter isNick Carter
    Nick Carter
    Howie Dorough isHowie Dorough
    Howie Dorough
    Brian Littrell isBrian Littrell
    Brian Littrell
    AJ McLean isA.J. McLean
    A.J. McLean
    Kevin Richardson isKevin Richardson
    Kevin Richardson
    Jay Harik isPresenter
    James Fields isStudent Roadie
    Student Roadie
    Benjamin Brown isCustomer #3
    Customer #3
    John Voldstad isCustomer #2
    Customer #2
    Henry Gibson isWitch Judge
    Witch Judge
    Chris Wragge isTV Newscaster
    TV Newscaster
    Pancho Demmings isWitch Policeman
    Witch Policeman
    Jeremy Garrett isFootball Player
    Football Player
    Sylvain Cecile isExecutioner
    Buddy Hackett isCar (voice)
    Car (voice)
    Philippe Bergeron isCar Sales Manager
    Car Sales Manager
    Donald Craig isFranklin Roosevelt
    Franklin Roosevelt
    Lillian Adams isOld Woman
    Old Woman
    Mary Gillis isWitch Judge
    Witch Judge
    Trish De Prume isCheerleader
    RuPaul isWitch Judge
    Witch Judge
    Kel Mitchell isKel Mitchell
    Kel Mitchell
    Kenan Thompson isKenan Thompson
    Kenan Thompson
    Fred Willard isBobby Calzone
    Bobby Calzone
    Greg Lewis isDon Tutti Frutti
    Don Tutti Frutti
    Lou Casal isDon Calamari
    Don Calamari
    Peter Anthony Rocca isDon Da Don Don
    Don Da Don Don
    Pamela Blair isSabrina's Mom
    Sabrina's Mom
    Louise Sorel isMrs. Saberhagen
    Mrs. Saberhagen
    Frankie Avina isPeruvian Indian
    Peruvian Indian
    Emily Hart isYoung Sabrina (uncredited)
    Young Sabrina (uncredited)
    Karen Lorre isDr. Werner
    Dr. Werner
    Corbin Allred isJustin Thumb
    Justin Thumb
    Robert Chapin isKing Arthur
    King Arthur
    John Gowans isThomas Jefferson
    Thomas Jefferson
    Billy West isBogart (voice)
    Bogart (voice)
    Dom DeLuise isMortimer
    Shannon Welles isMartha Washington
    Martha Washington
    Lee Allan Rutman isCatskills Comedian
    Catskills Comedian
    Dale Raoul isMrs. Mapleton
    Mrs. Mapleton
    Sam Menning isToothless Guy
    Toothless Guy
    Gary Owens isGuy Who Thinks He's Gary Owens
    Guy Who Thinks He's Gary Owens
    Alan Sues isBellevuedere
    Ruth Buzzi isDelilah
    Jo Anne Worley isAunt Beulah
    Aunt Beulah
    Dave Madden isDr. Egglehoffer
    Dr. Egglehoffer
    Tara Strong isMolly Dolly
    Molly Dolly
    Edward Albert isDiamond Dave
    Diamond Dave
    Angell Conwell isStudent #1
    Student #1
    Melissa Park isShowgirl
    Dick Clark isDick Clark
    Dick Clark
    Mary Hart isMary Hart
    Mary Hart
    Alex Greenwald isAlex Greenwald
    Alex Greenwald
    Jason Schwartzman isJason Schwartzman
    Jason Schwartzman
    Joel Brooks isEmperor Larry
    Emperor Larry
    Sam Farrar isSam Farrar
    Sam Farrar
    Beth Grant isMrs. Grant
    Mrs. Grant
    José Eber isJosé Eber
    José Eber
    Josh Holland isHarrison
    Kay E. Kuter isFather Christmas
    Father Christmas
    Buddy Lewis isPoliceman
    Daveigh Chase isLittle Girl
    Little Girl
    Daniel Hagen isMr. Birkhead
    Mr. Birkhead
    Myra Turley isMrs. Birkhead
    Mrs. Birkhead
    Michael Albala isDelivery Guy
    Delivery Guy
    Marika Casteel isStudent #1
    Student #1
    Jo Eric Mercado isStudent #2
    Student #2
    Sheryl Lee Ralph isZsa Zsa Goowhiggie
    Zsa Zsa Goowhiggie
    William Dennis Hunt isBoris Lermontov
    Boris Lermontov
    Michael McClure isPrince Albert
    Prince Albert
    Jerry Springer isJerry Springer
    Jerry Springer
    Robert M. Lind isPhotographer
    Mark Blankfield isBlackbeard
    Brian Donovan isOlder Kid
    Older Kid
    Billy Rieck isSeedy Guy
    Seedy Guy
    JC Chasez isJC Chasez
    JC Chasez
    Joey Fatone isJoey Fatone
    Joey Fatone
    Justin Timberlake isJustin Timberlake
    Justin Timberlake
    Lance Bass isLance Bass
    Lance Bass
    Chris Kirkpatrick isChris Kirkpatrick
    Chris Kirkpatrick
    Ric Coy isClean-Cut Person
    Clean-Cut Person
    Hallie Todd isMarigold
    Steve Sax isBaseball Player
    Baseball Player
    Mary Ann Mobley isMary Ann Mobley
    Mary Ann Mobley
    Glenn Shadix isCaligula
    David Wells isMr. Franco
    Mr. Franco
    David L. Lander isPostmaster
    Hap Lawrence isShepherd
    Rosalind Ayres isAunt Dorma (voice)
    Aunt Dorma (voice)
    Sean Laughton isPoliceman
    Lisa Darr isMartha
    David Getz isSecurity Guard
    Security Guard
    Alex Rocco isSid Wolff
    Sid Wolff
    Stu Nahan isTV Announcer
    TV Announcer
    Adrian Neil isBritish Guy
    British Guy
    Sean Moran isMailman
    Sonya Maddox isPublicity Person
    Publicity Person
    Hope Levy isContest Winner
    Contest Winner
    Monty Hall isMonty Hall
    Monty Hall
    Dave Nemeth isReporter
    Ritch Brinkley isFifty-Year-Old Man
    Fifty-Year-Old Man
    Fred Stoller isWarning Man
    Warning Man
    Mason Lucero isLittle Boy
    Little Boy
    Stan Yale isStinky's Friend
    Stinky's Friend
    James Kelton isBritish Merchant
    British Merchant
    Susan Angelo isDr. Merchant
    Dr. Merchant
    Britney Spears isBritney Spears
    Britney Spears
    Jerry Hauck isCustodian
    Doug Sheehan isEdward Spellman
    Edward Spellman
    Nicole Nieth isGretchen
    Joe Ochman isShop Owner
    Shop Owner
    Russell Young isSixth Student
    Sixth Student
    Tara Lipinski isTara Lipinski
    Tara Lipinski
    David Stifel isShakespeare
    Elyse Ashton isEmily Dickinson
    Emily Dickinson
    Drew Wilson isMark Twain
    Mark Twain
    Andy Siegel isCustomer
    Tom Fahn isPedestrian
    Robert Noble isCity Inspector
    City Inspector
    Faith Salie isWaitress
    Marcy Goldman isCustomer #3
    Customer #3
    Edgar Allan Poe IV isEdgar Allan Poe
    Edgar Allan Poe
    Tom Novak isCustomer
    Ed McMahon isEd McMahon
    Ed McMahon
    B. Smith isB. Smith
    B. Smith
    Billy Blanks isBilly Blanks
    Billy Blanks
    Zach Selwyn isAnnouncer
    Lenny Friedman isFolk Singer
    Folk Singer
    Paula Abdul isPaula Abdul
    Paula Abdul
    Pamela Dillman isMarie Curie
    Marie Curie
    Alastair Duncan isPierre Curie
    Pierre Curie
    Christopher Rob Bowen isCollege Guy #2
    College Guy #2
    Tim Thomerson isMr. Alcerro
    Mr. Alcerro
    Ivan Borodin isCustomer
    John Ganun isBilly Luto
    Billy Luto
    Manu Intiraymi isSore Throat
    Sore Throat
    Eric Jungmann isTeenage Salem
    Teenage Salem
    Mark Colson isSecurity Attendant
    Security Attendant
    Patrick Ecclesine isTeenage Billy
    Teenage Billy
    Gerry Lock isLittle Old Lady
    Little Old Lady
    Leslie Olivan isHallie Tosis
    Hallie Tosis
    Danny Bonaduce isDanny Bonaduce
    Danny Bonaduce
    Nancy Linari isMother Nature
    Mother Nature
    Ed Gale isPowell
    Will Jennings isYoung Mr. Kraft
    Young Mr. Kraft
    Dana Woods isPressburger
    Mary Bogue isFrench Hen
    French Hen
    George Wyner isPresident
    Jeff Austin isSalesman
    Mark Wallace isStudent Announcer
    Student Announcer
    Dennis Bailey isCareer Counselor
    Career Counselor
    Matt Battaglia isDaniel Boone
    Daniel Boone
    Zach Selwyn isCustomer
    John Salley isNBA Player
    NBA Player
    Harry S. Murphy isGuidance Counselor
    Guidance Counselor
    Ming Lo isForeign Man
    Foreign Man
    Monty Sopp isXavier Prescott
    Xavier Prescott
    Chip Chinery isNewspaper Boy
    Newspaper Boy
    Christine Nelson isCollege Kid #1
    College Kid #1
    Steve Hofvendahl isHomework Elf
    Homework Elf
    Amy Landers isCustomer #1
    Customer #1
    Greg Poland isCustomer #2
    Customer #2
    Teresa Parente isMiss Sorecorn
    Miss Sorecorn
    Brandon Kaplan isLion Scout
    Lion Scout
    Tim Bagley isMr. Cornwallis
    Mr. Cornwallis
    Dennis Lipscomb isMirror Man
    Mirror Man
    Elisa Donovan isMorgan Cavanaugh
    Morgan Cavanaugh
    Dan Gilvezan isDr. Witchfield (voice)
    Dr. Witchfield (voice)
    Trevor Lissauer isMiles Goodman
    Miles Goodman
    Roger Lodge isRoger Lodge
    Roger Lodge
    Joseph G. Medalis isJustice of the Peace
    Justice of the Peace
    Donnell Keith isCustomer #1
    Customer #1
    John O'Brien isCustomer #3
    Customer #3
    Kal Penn isPrajeeb
    Corey Pepper isMeteor Man
    Meteor Man
    Jody Wood isInspector
    Mark L. Taylor isProfessor Hopkins
    Professor Hopkins
    Jennifer Elizabeth isHope (uncredited)
    Hope (uncredited)
    Ernie G. isBalloon Guy
    Balloon Guy
    Douglas Tait isFrankenstein
    Lisa Kaminir isBride of Frankenstein
    Bride of Frankenstein
    Peter Spruyt isGhoul #3
    Ghoul #3
    Robert Lind isGhoul #2
    Ghoul #2
    Charlie Weirauch isGuy in Coffee Shop
    Guy in Coffee Shop
    Jerry Sroka isProfessor Burke
    Professor Burke
    Debra Engle isMrs. Axelrod
    Mrs. Axelrod
    David Garrison isDr. Axelrod
    Dr. Axelrod
    Ric Sarabia isCreature #1
    Creature #1
    Adam Vernier isCreature #2
    Creature #2
    David Starzyk isProfessor Carlin
    Professor Carlin
    Tim Haldeman isProfessor
    Hiram Kasten isLou Packard
    Lou Packard
    Tom Virtue isMr. Cavanaugh
    Mr. Cavanaugh
    Molly Cheek isMrs. Cavanaugh
    Mrs. Cavanaugh
    Cindy Sorenson isFemale Elf
    Female Elf
    Arturo Gil isMale Elf
    Male Elf
    Morgan Brittany isMrs. Scott
    Mrs. Scott
    Elayn J. Taylor isCasting Director
    Casting Director
    Mari Weiss isCustomer #1
    Customer #1
    Neal Matarazzo isCustomer #2
    Customer #2
    John Mooney isCustomer #3
    Customer #3
    Todd Eckert isCustomer #4
    Customer #4
    Lisa Poff isGirl #1
    Girl #1
    Mark Lonow isDr. Braverman
    Dr. Braverman
    Julie Satterfield isReceptionist
    William O'Leary isPoliceman (uncredited)
    Policeman (uncredited)
    Jay Bontatibus isVic Pulaski
    Vic Pulaski
    Mike Grief isMichaelangelo
    Howard Mann isProfit Prophet
    Profit Prophet
    Mark Chaet isProfessor Dillard
    Professor Dillard
    Allen Williams isProfessor Klaveman
    Professor Klaveman
    Elizabeth Hart isFemale Student #1
    Female Student #1
    Sonny King isBanjo Player
    Banjo Player
    Nate Richert isHarvey Kinkle
    Harvey Kinkle
    Frankie Avalon isFrankie Avalon
    Frankie Avalon
    Chase Hampton isBirdbrain
    Amy Lucas isGirl #2
    Girl #2
    Margaret Emery isZinc Oxide Girl
    Zinc Oxide Girl
    Aaron Carter isAaron Carter
    Aaron Carter
    Bryan Cuprill isBeachdoggie
    Joey Nader isDesk Clerk
    Desk Clerk
    Jane Sibbett isRobin Davis
    Robin Davis
    Thad Luckinbill isSean Hexton
    Sean Hexton
    Blake Clark isPhil (voice)
    Phil (voice)
    Jerry Lambert isMr. McBride
    Mr. McBride
    Steven Barr isMr. Martin
    Mr. Martin
    Richard Steven Horvitz isDuck Head (voice)
    Duck Head (voice)
    Peggy Miley isMrs. Smiley
    Mrs. Smiley
    Steven Anderson isDean Pitchford
    Dean Pitchford
    Teddy Lane Jr. isPolice Officer
    Police Officer
    Patricia Belcher isProfessor Hutchins
    Professor Hutchins
    Phil Nee isMr. Willoughby
    Mr. Willoughby
    Annalea Rawicz isStudent #2
    Student #2
    Ana Maria Lombo isPop Star #1
    Pop Star #1
    Maile Misajon isPop Star #2
    Pop Star #2
    Ivette Sosa isPop Star #4
    Pop Star #4
    Rosanna Tavarez isPop Star #5
    Pop Star #5
    Nakia Burrise isFemale Patron
    Female Patron
    Heather Young isCute Girl
    Cute Girl
    Tangee isMyoshi
    Jesse Plemons isBigger Kid
    Bigger Kid
    Sisqó isVladimir
    Elizabeth Hart isActress #1
    Actress #1
    John Heffron isActor #2
    Actor #2
    Chris Carver isMiles' Friend
    Miles' Friend
    Chelsea Dodson isStudent #1
    Student #1
    Geoff Pierson isWayne Banning
    Wayne Banning
    Barry Vigon isProfessor Spork
    Professor Spork
    George Wendt isMike Shelby
    Mike Shelby
    Jim Hanna isReporter
    Adrienne Barbeau isAdrienne Barbeau
    Adrienne Barbeau
    Robert Torti isEven Steven
    Even Steven
    Slade Barnett isHockey Player
    Hockey Player
    Dorie Barton isRebecca Scott
    Rebecca Scott
    Gregg Binkley isStaff Member #1
    Staff Member #1
    Tom Beyer isStaff Member #2
    Staff Member #2
    Sara Ballantine isOther Realm Creature
    Other Realm Creature
    Keisuke Hoashi isDelivery Man
    Delivery Man
    Jeff Witzke isCustomer
    Isaac Hanson isIsaac Hanson
    Isaac Hanson
    Taylor Hanson isTaylor Hanson
    Taylor Hanson
    Zac Hanson isZac Hanson
    Zac Hanson
    Barry Cutler isMcGeorge
    Vitamin C isCathy Winters
    Cathy Winters
    Mark Dobies isRobert Russell
    Robert Russell
    Richard Voigts isTheodore Roosevelt
    Theodore Roosevelt
    Joel Anderson isThomas Jefferson
    Thomas Jefferson
    Gary Bullock isAbraham Lincoln
    Abraham Lincoln
    Usher isLove Doctor
    Love Doctor
    T.J. Lottie isNurse Backup Singer #1
    Nurse Backup Singer #1
    Raquel Campbell isNurse Backup Singer #2
    Nurse Backup Singer #2
    Donielle Carter isNurse Backup Singer #3
    Nurse Backup Singer #3
    Larry Bates isEmployee #1
    Employee #1
    Jere Burns isGabriel
    Simon Helberg isSpokesman
    Rebecca Lin isReporter
    Kathleen Noone isFrancesca Flaum
    Francesca Flaum
    Tony Ranaudo isFabrizio
    Andy Roddick isAndy Roddick
    Andy Roddick
    Kevin Moon isTV Announcer (voice)
    TV Announcer (voice)
    Debbe Dunning isVeronique
    Simon Harvey isFranklin
    John O'Hurley isProfessor Beltran
    Professor Beltran
    Hiram Kasten isDr. Schwartz
    Dr. Schwartz
    Barry Vigon isErnesto Jimenez
    Ernesto Jimenez
    Jamie Marsh isChief Council Member
    Chief Council Member
    Alley Mills isDiana Spellman
    Diana Spellman
    Masi Oka isMale Council Member
    Male Council Member
    Amanda Tosch isFemale Model #2
    Female Model #2
    Hayley Taylor isFemale Council Member
    Female Council Member
    T.J. Hoban isMale Model #2
    Male Model #2
    John Coulter isMale Model #3
    Male Model #3
    Natalia Sokolova isFemale Model #3
    Female Model #3
    Chyna isMary Jo Ponder
    Mary Jo Ponder
    Greg Cromer isDelivery Guy
    Delivery Guy
    Lori Alan isSabrina's Car (voice)
    Sabrina's Car (voice)
    Howard Hoffman isMary Jo's Car (voice)
    Mary Jo's Car (voice)
    Sean Cw Johnson isDelivery Man
    Delivery Man
    Paul Keith isMinister
    Reggie Jordan isMale Customer #1
    Male Customer #1
    Andrew W. Walker isCole Harper
    Cole Harper
    John Ducey isLeonard
    Mark Wilkerson isMark Wilkerson
    Mark Wilkerson
    Carson Daly isCarson Daly
    Carson Daly
    Paul Taylor isSecurity Guard
    Security Guard
    Rickey Shelton isRickey Shelton
    Rickey Shelton
    John Milldrum isJohn Milldrum
    John Milldrum
    Chris Dickerson isChris Dickerson
    Chris Dickerson
    Ashanti isAshanti
    J.P. Manoux isCounter Guy
    Counter Guy
    Da Brat isBaby K2K
    Baby K2K
    Suanne Spoke isJudge Malloy
    Judge Malloy
    Mark Craig isBailiff #1
    Bailiff #1
    Clare Kramer isBabette Storm
    Babette Storm
    Ariel Llinas isSecurity Guard
    Security Guard
    Maria Menounos isReporter #1
    Reporter #1
    Steven M. Porter isClive Rexford
    Clive Rexford
    Irene White isPlain Woman
    Plain Woman
    Kipp Shiotani isAsian Businessman
    Asian Businessman
    Garry Marshall isMickey Brentwood
    Mickey Brentwood
    Avril Lavigne isAvril Lavigne
    Avril Lavigne
    Richard Voll isJoey Skye
    Joey Skye
    Matthew Brann isMatthew Brann
    Matthew Brann
    Jesse Colburn isJesse Colburn
    Jesse Colburn
    Charles Moniz isCharles Moniz
    Charles Moniz
    Evan Taubenfeld isEvan Taubenfeld
    Evan Taubenfeld
    Greg Baker isAttendant
    Sandra McCoy isAttractive Woman
    Attractive Woman
    Sally Struthers isAunt Lorraine
    Aunt Lorraine
    Daniel Bedingfield isDaniel Bedingfield
    Daniel Bedingfield
    Sik End isOffice Worker
    Office Worker
    Deborah Zoe isBlind Faith
    Blind Faith
    Rachel Reenstra isWoman with Baby
    Woman with Baby
    Annie O'Donnell isLouisa (voice)
    Louisa (voice)
    Paul Kimmel isElderly Man
    Elderly Man
    Dylan Neal isAaron Jacobs
    Aaron Jacobs
    David Monahan isAaron's Friend
    Aaron's Friend
    Don Most isWhite Rabbit
    White Rabbit
    Kato Kaelin isInstructor
    Robertson Dean isGeneral Custer
    General Custer
    Don Boland isDrill Guy
    Drill Guy
    Peter Scolari isRingmaster
    Paul Rae isWorker
    Leigh Nash isLeigh Nash
    Leigh Nash
    Sophia Bush isFate Mackenzie
    Fate Mackenzie
    Jennifer Hall isFate Ashley
    Fate Ashley
    Christina Vidal isFate Paris
    Fate Paris
    Marcus Folmar isRepairman
    Kevin Symons isBusinessman
    Faith Prince isShirley Jacobs
    Shirley Jacobs
    Robert Picardo isBob Jacobs
    Bob Jacobs
    Dylan Cash isBilly Johnson
    Billy Johnson
    Terry Sweeney isHeart Curator
    Heart Curator
    Susan Yeagley isCinderella
    Tami Roman isSaleslady #1
    Saleslady #1
    Trisha Hart isSaleslady #2
    Saleslady #2
    Kerry Sable isYoung Bride-To-Be
    Young Bride-To-Be
    Britt Leary isYoung Woman
    Young Woman
    David Leisure isBob Bermuda
    Bob Bermuda
    Derek Baynham isSoccer Player #1
    Soccer Player #1
    Craig Robert Young isSoccer Player #2
    Soccer Player #2
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