8.3 10

El veinteañero Clark Kent, la brillante y motivada Lois Lane y su mejor amigo Jimmy Olsen comienzan a descubrir quiénes son y todo lo que pueden lograr juntos como un equipo de reporteros de investigación en el Daily Planet.

My Adventures with Superman

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Compañías de producciones


Jack Quaid isClark Kent / Superman (voice)
Clark Kent / Superman (voice)
Alice Lee isLois Lane (voice)
Lois Lane (voice)
Ishmel Sahid isJimmy Olsen (voice)
Jimmy Olsen (voice)
Darrell Brown isPerry White / Badger (voice)
Perry White / Badger (voice)
Zehra Fazal isLeslie Willis / Driver (voice)
Leslie Willis / Driver (voice)
Azuri Hardy-Jones isFlip (voice)
Flip (voice)
Kari Wahlgren isYoung Clark / Elderly Shop-Keep (voice)
Young Clark / Elderly Shop-Keep (voice)
Darrell Brown isPerry White (voice)
Perry White (voice)
Zehra Fazal isLeslie Willis / Livewire (voice)
Leslie Willis / Livewire (voice)
Jason Marnocha isJor-El (voice)
Jor-El (voice)
Chris Parnell isAgent Slade Wilson (voice)
Agent Slade Wilson (voice)
Reid Scott isPa Kent (voice)
Pa Kent (voice)
Kari Wahlgren isMa Kent / Young Clark (voice)
Ma Kent / Young Clark (voice)
Lucas Grabeel isKyle / Mist / Blimp Operator (voice)
Kyle / Mist / Blimp Operator (voice)
Melanie Minichino isCat Grant / Warden (voice)
Cat Grant / Warden (voice)
Kenna J. Ramsey isRonnie Troup (voice)
Ronnie Troup (voice)
Catherine Taber isSiobhan / Silver Banshee / TV Reporter (voice)
Siobhan / Silver Banshee / TV Reporter (voice)
Vincent Tong isRough House / Steve Lombard (voice)
Rough House / Steve Lombard (voice)
Darrell Brown isPerry White / Curtis (voice)
Perry White / Curtis (voice)
Jake Green isDr. Ivo / Old Rich Man (voice)
Dr. Ivo / Old Rich Man (voice)
Max Mittelman isAlex (voice)
Alex (voice)
Laila Berzins isHeat Wave (voice)
Heat Wave (voice)
Joel de la Fuente isThe General (voice)
The General (voice)
Vincent Tong isSteve Lombard (voice)
Steve Lombard (voice)
Debra Wilson isAmanda Waller (voice)
Amanda Waller (voice)
Jake Green isDr. Ivo / Soldier (voice)
Dr. Ivo / Soldier (voice)
Jesse Inocalla isThe Brain (voice)
The Brain (voice)
André Sogliuzzo isMonsieur Mallah (voice)
Monsieur Mallah (voice)
Kimberly Brooks isJalana Olsen (voice)
Jalana Olsen (voice)
Osric Chau isLewis Lane (voice)
Lewis Lane (voice)
David Errigo Jr. isMr. Mxyzptlk (voice)
Mr. Mxyzptlk (voice)
Lauren Tom isLeader Lois (voice)
Leader Lois (voice)
Kimberly Brooks isChild / Woman (voice)
Child / Woman (voice)
Darrell Brown isPerry White / Man (voice)
Perry White / Man (voice)
Andromeda Dunker isVicki Vale / Mrs. Quietly (voice)
Vicki Vale / Mrs. Quietly (voice)
Lucas Grabeel isKyle / Mist / Teen Boy (voice)
Kyle / Mist / Teen Boy (voice)
Jake Green isDr. Ivo (voice)
Dr. Ivo (voice)
Max Mittelman isAlex / Father (voice)
Alex / Father (voice)
Catherine Taber isSiobhan / Silver Banshee / TV News Reporter (voice)
Siobhan / Silver Banshee / TV News Reporter (voice)
Joel de la Fuente isThe General / Man (voice)
The General / Man (voice)
Zehra Fazal isLeslie Willis / Livewire / Child (voice)
Leslie Willis / Livewire / Child (voice)
Jake Green isDr. Ivo / Commanding Officer / Teen Boy (voice)
Dr. Ivo / Commanding Officer / Teen Boy (voice)
Catherine Taber isSiobhan / Silver Banshee / Mom (voice)
Siobhan / Silver Banshee / Mom (voice)
Debra Wilson isAmanda Waller / Woman (voice)
Amanda Waller / Woman (voice)
Michael Emerson isBrainiac (voice)
Brainiac (voice)
Kari Wahlgren isMa Kent / Kryptonian Warrior (voice)
Ma Kent / Kryptonian Warrior (voice)
Jason Marnocha isJor-El / Damage (voice)
Jor-El / Damage (voice)
Melanie Minichino isCat Grant / Female Scientist (voice)
Cat Grant / Female Scientist (voice)
Max Mittelman isAlex / Hank Henshaw (voice)
Alex / Hank Henshaw (voice)
Darrell Brown isPerry White / Billy's Dad (voice)
Perry White / Billy's Dad (voice)
Riley Looc isBilly (voice)
Billy (voice)
Max Mittelman isAlex / Atomic Skull (voice)
Alex / Atomic Skull (voice)
Vincent Tong isSteve Lombard / Checkmate Operative (voice)
Steve Lombard / Checkmate Operative (voice)
Joel de la Fuente isThe General / Guard (voice)
The General / Guard (voice)
Andromeda Dunker isVicki Vale / Woman (voice)
Vicki Vale / Woman (voice)
Zehra Fazal isLivewire / Leslie Willis / Assistant (voice)
Livewire / Leslie Willis / Assistant (voice)
Max Mittelman isAlex / Thomas Weston (voice)
Alex / Thomas Weston (voice)
Byron Marc Newsome isJohn Henry Irons / Steel / Silas Stone (voice)
John Henry Irons / Steel / Silas Stone (voice)
Joel de la Fuente isThe General / Symposium Goer (voice)
The General / Symposium Goer (voice)
Jolie Hoang-Rappaport is10 and 13-Year-Old Lois (voice)
10 and 13-Year-Old Lois (voice)
Max Mittelman isAlex / Atomic Skull / Hank Henshaw (voice)
Alex / Atomic Skull / Hank Henshaw (voice)
Michael Yurchak isWinslow Schott / Symposium Emcee (voice)
Winslow Schott / Symposium Emcee (voice)
Kiana Madeira isKara / Supergirl (voice)
Kara / Supergirl (voice)
Melanie Minichino isCat Grant / Silver St. Cloud (voice)
Cat Grant / Silver St. Cloud (voice)
Max Mittelman isAlex / Hank Henshaw / M.C. (voice)
Alex / Hank Henshaw / M.C. (voice)
Max Mittelman isLex Luthor (voice)
Lex Luthor (voice)
André Sogliuzzo isMonsieur Mallah / Atrium Guard (voice)
Monsieur Mallah / Atrium Guard (voice)
Zehra Fazal isLivewire (voice)
Livewire (voice)
Andromeda Dunker isVicki Vale / Kryptonian (voice)
Vicki Vale / Kryptonian (voice)
Rhea Seehorn isLara (voice)
Lara (voice)
Zehra Fazal isLivewire / Thanagarian (voice)
Livewire / Thanagarian (voice)
Max Mittelman isLex Luthor / Hank Henshaw (voice)
Lex Luthor / Hank Henshaw (voice)
Byron Marc Newsome isJohn Henry Irons / Steel (voice)
John Henry Irons / Steel (voice)
Catherine Taber isSiobhan McDougal / Bystander (voice)
Siobhan McDougal / Bystander (voice)
Vincent Tong isSteve Lombard / Rough House (voice)
Steve Lombard / Rough House (voice)
Hay otros ocultos

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