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Linterna Verde: La Serie Animada

Linterna Verde: La Serie Animada

La serie se enfoca en las aventuras de Hal Jordan, Linterna Verde del sector 2814, y su colega Kilowog. También se introduce como aliado a Razer, un Linterna Roja reformado y Aya, una avanzada inteligencia artificial. Ellos pelearan contra los Linternas Rojas liderados por Atrocitus. En la segunda parte de la primera temporada se introducen nuevos personajes como Guy Gardner, Ch’p y Sinestro. Los creadores de la serie planeaban introducir a futuro otros personajes como John Stewart y Kyle Rayner.

Green Lantern: The Animated Series

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Compañías de producciones


Josh Keaton isGreen Lantern / Hal Jordan (voice)
Green Lantern / Hal Jordan (voice)
Jason Spisak isRazer (voice)
Razer (voice)
Grey DeLisle isAya (voice)
Aya (voice)
Brian George isAppa Ali Apsa / M'Ten (voice)
Appa Ali Apsa / M'Ten (voice)
Jennifer Hale isCarol Ferris (voice)
Carol Ferris (voice)
Kurtwood Smith isShyir Rev (voice)
Shyir Rev (voice)
Tom Kenny isZilius Zox / Salaak (voice)
Zilius Zox / Salaak (voice)
Ian Abercrombie isGanthet (voice)
Ganthet (voice)
Susanne Blakeslee isSayd (voice)
Sayd (voice)
Tom Kenny isZilius Zox (voice)
Zilius Zox (voice)
Jonathan Adams isAtrocitus (voice)
Atrocitus (voice)
Jennifer Hale isBiara Rev (voice)
Biara Rev (voice)
Brian George isAppa Ali Apsa (voice)
Appa Ali Apsa (voice)
Robert Englund isMyglom (voice)
Myglom (voice)
Rob Paulsen isGoggan (voice)
Goggan (voice)
Wayne Knight isCaptain Goray (voice)
Captain Goray (voice)
John DiMaggio isKothak (voice)
Kothak (voice)
Will Friedle isPrince Ragnar (voice)
Prince Ragnar (voice)
Tara Strong isIolande (voice)
Iolande (voice)
Clancy Brown isZartok (voice)
Zartok (voice)
Juliet Landau isDrusa (voice)
Drusa (voice)
Phil Morris isSaint Walker (voice)
Saint Walker (voice)
Corey Burton isCleric Loran (voice)
Cleric Loran (voice)
Grey DeLisle isBleez (voice)
Bleez (voice)
Corey Burton isLeph / Yarley (voice)
Leph / Yarley (voice)
Vanessa Marshall isGalia (voice)
Galia (voice)
Jennifer Hale isCarol Ferris / Star Sapphire / Princess Gi'ata (voice)
Carol Ferris / Star Sapphire / Princess Gi'ata (voice)
Tom Kenny isByth Rok (voice)
Byth Rok (voice)
Rob Paulsen isGoggan / Bumpy (voice)
Goggan / Bumpy (voice)
Tom Kenny isZilius Zox / Byth Rok (voice)
Zilius Zox / Byth Rok (voice)
Jennifer Hale isCarol Ferris / Princess Gi'ata (voice)
Carol Ferris / Princess Gi'ata (voice)
Jennifer Hale isCarol Ferris / Vinessa Swelton (voice)
Carol Ferris / Vinessa Swelton (voice)
Tom Kenny isSalaak / The Anti-Monitor (voice)
Salaak / The Anti-Monitor (voice)
Diedrich Bader isGuy Gardner (voice)
Guy Gardner (voice)
Sarah Douglas isScience Director (voice)
Science Director (voice)
Jeff Bennett isTomar-Re (voice)
Tomar-Re (voice)
Brian George isAppa Ali Apsa / LANOS (voice)
Appa Ali Apsa / LANOS (voice)
Tom Kenny isThe Anti-Monitor / Chaselon (voice)
The Anti-Monitor / Chaselon (voice)
Jeff Bennett isDuke Nigel Fortenberry / Tomar-Re (voice)
Duke Nigel Fortenberry / Tomar-Re (voice)
Robin Atkin Downes isGil Broome / Steam Lantern (voice)
Gil Broome / Steam Lantern (voice)
Brian George isBrother Warth (voice)
Brother Warth (voice)
Ron Perlman isSinestro (voice)
Sinestro (voice)
Tom Kenny isZilius Zox / The Anti-Monitor (voice)
Zilius Zox / The Anti-Monitor (voice)
Tom Kenny isGoblin (voice)
Goblin (voice)
Dee Bradley Baker isLarfleeze (voice)
Larfleeze (voice)
Brian George isLANOS / Appa Ali Apsa (voice)
LANOS / Appa Ali Apsa (voice)
Sarah Douglas isScar (voice)
Scar (voice)
Tom Kenny isSalaak (voice)
Salaak (voice)
Hay otros ocultos

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