8.3 10
Liga de la justicia ilimitada
Una continuación de la serie de animación de la Liga de la Justicia encuentra a los miembros originales del equipo unidos en su batalla contra el crimen y el mal por docenas de otros héroes del universo de los cómics de DC.
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Compañías de producciones
Batman / Bruce Wayne (voice)
Clark Kent / Superman (voice)
Princess Diana / Wonder Woman (voice)
J'onn J'onzz / Martian Manhunter (voice)
Green Lantern / John Stewart (voice)
Captain Atom / Nathaniel Adams / Robber #2 (voice)
General Kwan / Scientist (voice)
Robber #1 / Soldier (voice)
Green Arrow / Oliver Queen (voice)
Supergirl / Kara Kent (voice)
Joe Chill (voice)
Mongul (voice)
Loana (voice)
Jonathan Kent / Brainiac (voice)
Van-El / Young Bruce Wayne (voice)
Jor-El (voice)
Etrigan the Demon (voice)
Young Wonder Woman (voice)
Young Batman (voice)
Young Green Lantern (voice)
Young Superman (voice)
Morgaine le Fey (voice)
Mordred (voice)
Cheetah / Barbara Ann Minerva / Teacher (voice)
May (voice)
Copperhead (voice)
Blockbuster / Older Mordred / Young Etrigan (voice)
Hawk / Hank Hall (voice)
Dove / Don Hall (voice)
Ares / Mr. Sera (voice)
Hephaestus (voice)
Kasnian Monk (voice)
General Olanic (voice)
Nardoc / Angry Patron (voice)
Private / Robber (voice)
Crimson Avenger / Lee Travis (voice)
Zatanna Zatara (voice)
Circe (voice)
Sid (voice)
B'wana Beast / Mike Maxwell / Red Tornado (voice)
Medusa / Themis (voice)
Attendant / Factory Worker (voice)
General Hardcastle (voice)
Gilbert Halestrom / Jerry (voice)
Lasser / Security Guard / Agent (voice)
Female Singer / Watchtower Computer (voice)
The Question / Vic Sage (voice)
Supergirl / Kara Kent / Galatea (voice)
Professor Emil Hamilton (voice)
Booster Gold / Michael Jon Carter (voice)
Skeets / Dr. Daniel Brown / Transporter Tech (voice)
Dr. Tracy Simmons (voice)
Elongated Man / Ralph Dibny / Scientist (voice)
Captain Atom / Nathaniel Adams (voice)
Young Boy / Pregnant Woman (voice)
Amazo (voice)
Lex Luthor / Guardian of Oa (voice)
Green Lantern / Kyle Rayner (voice)
The Atom / Ray Palmer (voice)
Inza Nelson / Sroya Bashir (voice)
Dr. Fate / Kent Nelson (voice)
Shayera Hol / Fire / Beatriz da Costa (voice)
Steel / John Henry Irons (voice)
Wind Dragon (voice)
Long Shadow / Mike (voice)
Maxwell Lord (voice)
Downpour / Shifter (voice)
Amanda Waller / Juice (voice)
Giganta (voice)
Aquaman / Arthur Curry (voice)
Bizarro (voice)
Commander / Billy (voice)
Katie / Girlfriend (voice)
General Wade Eiling (voice)
Shayera Hol / Woman (voice)
Alan (voice)
Amazo / Reporter (voice)
Vixen / Mari McCabe (voice)
Bat Lash / Bartholomew Aloysius Lash (voice)
Jonah Hex / Bonk / Benjamin Knox (voice)
Sheriff Ohiyesa 'Pow Wow' Smith (voice)
El Diablo / Lazarus Lane (voice)
Tobias Manning / Guard (voice)
Warhawk / Rex Stewart / Robber (voice)
Static / Virgil Hawkins (voice)
Chronos / David Clinton (voice)
Enid Clinton (voice)
Ghoul / Stewart Carter Winthrop III / Redcoat #2 (voice)
Future Batman / Terry McGinnis / Redcoat #3 (voice)
Warhawk / Rex Stewart (voice)
Bonk / Benjamin Knox / Green Lantern / Hal Jordan (voice)
Dee Dee / Delia Dennis / Deidre Dennis (voice)
Woof the Hyena-Man / Redcoat #1 (voice)
Chucko / Charles Buntz (voice)
Jason Todd (voice)
Thug Leader / Atomic Skull / Joe Morton (voice)
Larry / Scalper (voice)
Wildcat / Ted Grant (voice)
Black Canary / Dinah Lance (voice)
Roulette / Veronica Sinclair (voice)
Mr. Miracle / Scott Free / Computer (voice)
Big Barda / Barda Free (voice)
Granny Goodness (voice)
Virman Vundabar (voice)
Kalibak (voice)
Oberon (voice)
Young Scott Free (voice)
Elongated Man / Ralph Dibny (voice)
The Flash / Wally West (voice)
Watchtower Computer (voice)
The Flash / Wally West / Cadmus Soldier / Anchorman (voice)
Doomsday (voice)
Dr. Achilles Milo (voice)
Amanda Waller (voice)
Tala (voice)
Deadshot / Floyd Lawton / Vigilante / Greg Saunders (voice)
Rick Flagg Jr. (voice)
Plastique / Bette Sans Souci / Tala (voice)
The Clock King / Temple Fugate / Priest (voice)
Vance / Esposito (voice)
Captain Boomerang / George Harkness (voice)
Shayera Hol / Watchtower Computer (voice)
Felix Faust (voice)
Lord Hades (voice)
Tala / Zatanna Zatara (voice)
Hermes (voice)
Abnegazar (voice)
Queen Hippolyta (voice)
Etrigan the Demon / Jason Blood (voice)
Amazon (voice)
The Huntress / Helena Bertinelli / Maria Bertinelli (voice)
Black Canary / Dinah Lance / Edgar Mandragora (voice)
Steven Mandragora (voice)
Agent King Faraday / Franco Bertinelli (voice)
Tony (voice)
Cecil (voice)
Captain Marvel (voice)
Billy Batson (voice)
The Atom / Ray Palmer / Phil O'Bannon (voice)
Mercy Graves / Teacher (voice)
Lois Lane (voice)
Lex Luthor (voice)
Vigilante / Greg Saunders / Thanagarian #1 (voice)
Paran Dul (voice)
Lt. Kragger (voice)
Thanagarian #2 (voice)
Shayera Hol (voice)
The Question / Vic Sage / Dr. Moon (voice)
Captain Atom / Nathaniel Adams / Uno / Aztek (voice)
General Wade Eiling / Mantis (voice)
The Huntress / Helena Bertinelli (voice)
The Flash / Wally West / Secretary (voice)
The Huntress / Helena Bertinelli / Little Girl (voice)
The President (voice)
Steel / John Henry Irons / S.T.R.I.P.E. / Patrick Dugan (voice)
Brainiac / Government Official / Soldier (voice)
Fire / Beatriz da Costa (voice)
Captain Atom / Nathaniel Adam (voice)
Shayera Hol / Lord Hawkgirl (voice)
Brainiac (voice)
Future Batman / Terry McGinnis (voice)
Ace (voice)
Future Parasite (voice)
Brainiac / The Key / Uno / Aztek (voice)
Chuck Sirianni (voice)
Mairzey (voice)
The Flash / Wally West / Dr. Polaris / Neal Emerson (voice)
Agent King Faraday (voice)
Gorilla Grodd (voice)
Gorgon (voice)
Hawkman / Carter Hall / Shadow Thief (voice)
Dreamslayer / Alexi Nikolai / Lord Havok (voice)
Supergirl / Kara Kent / Shakira (voice)
S.T.R.I.P.E. / Patrick Dugan / Machiste (voice)
The Warlord / Travis Morgan (voice)
Metallo / John Corben (voice)
Deimos (voice)
Dino Trooper (voice)
Stargirl / Courtney Whitmore (voice)
Lex Luthor / Vice President (voice)
Devil Ray / Mister Terrific / Michael Holt / Agent (voice)
Heat Wave / Mick Rory (voice)
Orion / Lab Supervisor (voice)
The Trickster / James Jesse (voice)
Mirror Master / Sam Scudder / Tony (voice)
Captain Cold / Leonard Snart / Fisherman / Rick (voice)
Linda Park / Earleen / Hologram Girl (voice)
Mayor / Waitress / Marla / Margie (voice)
Rampage / Child Monk (voice)
Deadman / Boston Brand (voice)
Tala / Rama Kushna (voice)
Devil Ray (voice)
Solovar (voice)
Monk (voice)
Atomic Skull / Joe Morton / Temple Guard (voice)
General Wade Eiling / German Agent / Bystander (voice)
Shining Knight / Sir Justin / Cop (voice)
S.T.R.I.P.E. / Patrick Dugan / Cadmus Scientist (voice)
Vigilante / Greg Saunders / Spy Smasher / Alan Armstrong (voice)
Amanda Waller / Elderly Woman (voice)
Speedy / Roy Harper (voice)
Johnny / Caitlin O'Shaugnessy-Ruiz (voice)
Rick Wilson / Nazi Scientist (voice)
Mister Terrific / Michael Holt (voice)
Lex Luthor / The Flash / Wally West (voice)
Angle Man / Angelo Bend (voice)
Gorilla Grodd / Red Tornado (voice)
Sinestro (voice)
Bizarro / Evil Star (voice)
Dr. Light / Kimiyo Hoshi / Rampage (voice)
The Flash / Wally West / Lex Luthor / Dr. Polaris (voice)
Brainiac / Sonar / Bito Wladon (voice)
The Question / Vic Sage / Assistant (voice)
Green Arrow / Oliver Queen / The Persuader (voice)
Mano (voice)
Brainiac 5 (voice)
Bouncing Boy / Chuck Taine / Blockbuster (voice)
Tharok (voice)
Emerald Empress / Sarya / Phantom Girl (voice)
Shayera Hol / Chay-Ara Hol / Servant (voice)
Bashari (voice)
Hawkman / Carter Hall / Katar Hol / Shadow Thief (voice)
Hath-Set (voice)
Gentleman Ghost / James Craddock (voice)
Brainiac / Weather Wizard / Mark Mardon / Kanto (voice)
Toyman / Winslow Schott (voice)
Killer Frost / Louise Lincoln / Giganta / Bernadeth (voice)
Atomic Skull / Joe Morton / Goldface / Keith Kenyon (voice)
Metron (voice)
Watchtower Ops Tech / Sinestro (voice)
Darkseid (voice)
Metron / Chinese Man (voice)
Giganta / Sroya Bashir / Chinese Woman (voice)
Atomic Skull / Joe Morton / Blue Devil / Daniel Cassidy (voice)
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