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El Señor de los Anillos: Los Anillos de Poder

El Señor de los Anillos: Los Anillos de Poder

Comenzando en un tiempo relativamente pacífico, acompañamos a un grupo de personajes mientras enfrentan el resurgimiento del mal en la Tierra Media. Desde las profundidades más oscuras de las Montañas Nubladas hasta el majestuoso bosque de Lindon, la imponente isla de Númenor y los rincones más lejanos del mapa, estos reinos y personajes darán lugar a legados que perdurarán en el tiempo.

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power

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Charlie Vickers isSauron / Annatar
Sauron / Annatar
Morfydd Clark isGaladriel
Daniel Weyman isThe Stranger
The Stranger
Markella Kavenagh isElanor 'Nori' Brandyfoot
Elanor 'Nori' Brandyfoot
Charles Edwards isCelebrimbor
Owain Arthur isDurin IV
Durin IV
Lloyd Owen isElendil
Megan Richards isPoppy Proudfellow
Poppy Proudfellow
Alex Tarrant isValandil
Eva Gardner isElf Child
Elf Child
Oscar Beszant isElf Child
Elf Child
Carl Van Roon isElf Soldier
Elf Soldier
Sean Neary isElf Soldier
Elf Soldier
Cameron Brown isElf Soldier
Elf Soldier
Kenneth Ransom isYounger Hunter
Younger Hunter
Tom McCathie isOrnery Hunter
Ornery Hunter
Paula Nazarski isMalva's Sister
Malva's Sister
Shelley Waddams isElf Attendant
Elf Attendant
Graham Ralls isWhiskery Old Man
Whiskery Old Man
Nicholas Foustellis isShort Haired Elf
Short Haired Elf
Amelie Child-Villiers isYoung Galadriel
Young Galadriel
Simon Merrells isWatchwarden Revion
Watchwarden Revion
Benjamin Walker isHigh King Gil-Galad
High King Gil-Galad
Megan Wilding isDwarf Guard
Dwarf Guard
Paul Ballard isSour-Faced Dwarf
Sour-Faced Dwarf
Travis Graham isBeady-Eyed Dwarf
Beady-Eyed Dwarf
Nathan Mennis isDigger Orc
Digger Orc
Peter Mullan isDurin III
Durin III
Preston O'Brien isGuardsman Two
Guardsman Two
Mana Hira Davis isWorker One
Worker One
Winham Hammond isWorker Two
Worker Two
Gabe Wright isMessenger
Michael Morris isGuardsman One
Guardsman One
Ken Blackburn isTar-Palantir
Laura Medes isYoung Mother
Young Mother
Adam Faiz isGuild Merchant
Guild Merchant
Dave Chapman isMasked Dwarf Guard
Masked Dwarf Guard
Rachel Payne isDwarf Singer
Dwarf Singer
Robert Strange isWarrior Orc
Warrior Orc
Edith Poor isThe Nomad
The Nomad
Kali Kopae isThe Ascetic
The Ascetic
Bridie Sisson isThe Dweller
The Dweller
Miranda Wilson isSouthlander Woman
Southlander Woman
Jesse Turner isGeneral Orc
General Orc
Michael Homick isSkirmish Orc
Skirmish Orc
Jed Brophy isTavern Orc
Tavern Orc
Kimo Houltham isNúmenórean Soldier
Númenórean Soldier
Edward Clendon isFighting Orc
Fighting Orc
Luke Hawker isFighting Orc
Fighting Orc
Ellyce Bisson isFighting Orc
Fighting Orc
Rob Mackinnon isFighting Orc
Fighting Orc
Hori Ahipene isFighting Orc
Fighting Orc
Tim Machlachlan isFighting Orc
Fighting Orc
James Munro isDwarf Lord One
Dwarf Lord One
Mike Jones isDwarf Lord Two
Dwarf Lord Two
Jed Brophy isHunter Orc
Hunter Orc
Josh Metcalfe isElven Loremaster
Elven Loremaster
Ben Daniels isCirdan the Shipwright
Cirdan the Shipwright
Ciarán Hinds isDark Wizard
Dark Wizard
Nia Towle isEstrid
Benjamin Walker isDamrod the Hill Troll (voice)
Damrod the Hill Troll (voice)
Rory Kinnear isTom Bombadil
Tom Bombadil
Tanya Moodie isGundabale Earthauler
Gundabale Earthauler
Olivia Williams isWinterbloom
Jim Broadbent isSnaggleroot
Omar Ibrahim isNúmenor Guard
Númenor Guard
Jeany Spark isCommander of the South
Commander of the South
Adam Woolley isEregion Elf Soldier
Eregion Elf Soldier
William Chubb isHigh Priest
High Priest
Sam Parks isOld Faithful Man
Old Faithful Man
Will Keen isLord Belzagar
Lord Belzagar
John Macdonald isDefector Orc #2
Defector Orc #2
Simon Haines isCommander Malendol
Commander Malendol
Theo Spofforth isGaudrim Scout
Gaudrim Scout
Peter Landi isMarmadas
Silvia Naval isFaithful Woman
Faithful Woman
Rupert Shelbourne isFaithful Onlooker
Faithful Onlooker
Peter Mullan isKing Durin III
King Durin III
Jackson Bews isEregion Soldier
Eregion Soldier
Tony McGeever isDwarf Palace Guard
Dwarf Palace Guard
Bridie Sisson isLaborer Orc
Laborer Orc
Tom Slatter isDwarf Palace Guard
Dwarf Palace Guard
James Meunier isLindon Elf Soldier
Lindon Elf Soldier
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