7.55 10
American Crime Story

American Crime Story

Serie de televisión estadounidense de antología y basada en crímenes reales, asesinos famosos, creada por Scott Alexander y Larry Karaszewki, quienes también son productores ejecutivos junto a Brad Falchuk, Nina Jacobson, Ryan Murphy y Brad Simpson.

Historia de crimenes americanos

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Sarah Paulson isLinda Tripp
Linda Tripp
Beanie Feldstein isMonica Lewinsky
Monica Lewinsky
Margo Martindale isLucianne Goldberg
Lucianne Goldberg
Edie Falco isHillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton
Clive Owen isBill Clinton
Bill Clinton
Rachel Andersen isWoman at Law Office
Woman at Law Office
Ken Lerner isHoward Weitzman
Howard Weitzman
Thomas Owen isRestaurant Manager
Restaurant Manager
Angie Patterson isPaula Barbieri
Paula Barbieri
Daniel Weiss isKCOP Cameraman
KCOP Cameraman
Beau Wirick isAllan Park
Allan Park
Ben Zelevansky isDog Walker
Dog Walker
Paul Kim Jr. isHenry Lee
Henry Lee
Andrew Patrick Ralston isDr. Saul Faerstein
Dr. Saul Faerstein
Billy Magnussen isKato Kaelin
Kato Kaelin
Romy Rosemont isJill Shively
Jill Shively
Connie Britton isFaye Resnick
Faye Resnick
Finn Sweeney isTrevor Clark
Trevor Clark
Chris Bauer isDet. Tom Lange
Det. Tom Lange
Michael McGrady isDet. Phillip Van Atter
Det. Phillip Van Atter
Jake Koeppl isRon Goldman
Ron Goldman
Asia Monet Ray isSydney Simpson
Sydney Simpson
Selma Blair isKris Jenner
Kris Jenner
Isabella Balbi isKourtney Kardashian
Kourtney Kardashian
Morgan Bastin isKhloé Kardashian
Khloé Kardashian
Nicolas Bechtel isRob Kardashian
Rob Kardashian
Ehsan Shahidi isJustin Simpson
Justin Simpson
Brandon Morales isArresting Officer
Arresting Officer
Veronica Galvez isKim Kardashian
Kim Kardashian
Jun Hee Lee isDennis Fung
Dennis Fung
Cheryl Ladd isLinell Shapiro
Linell Shapiro
Steven Pasquale isDet. Mark Fuhrman
Det. Mark Fuhrman
Ariel D. King isArnelle Simpson
Arnelle Simpson
Jordana Brewster isDenise Brown
Denise Brown
Leonard Roberts isDennis Schatzman
Dennis Schatzman
Keesha Sharp isDale Cochran
Dale Cochran
Kelsey Griswold isDominique Brown
Dominique Brown
Mary Anne McGarry isJuditha Brown
Juditha Brown
China Shavers isShirley Simpson
Shirley Simpson
Valeri Ross isEunice Simpson
Eunice Simpson
Tye White isJason Simpson
Jason Simpson
Jenna Willis isTanya Brown
Tanya Brown
David Bickford isMichael Baden
Michael Baden
Jeff Bowser isLA TV Director
LA TV Director
Zylan Brooks isLawyer #1
Lawyer #1
Paolo Andino isLawyer #2
Lawyer #2
Will Deutsch isLawyer #3
Lawyer #3
Chris Flanders isSheriff #1
Sheriff #1
Greg Bryan isSheriff #2
Sheriff #2
Jamison Haase isNegotiator
Marc Marosi isNetwork Executive
Network Executive
Shannon McClung isRoger Sandler
Roger Sandler
Jonathan Strait isNewsroom Host
Newsroom Host
Kwame Patterson isMichael Darden
Michael Darden
Jonelle Allen isMrs. Darden
Mrs. Darden
Dale Godboldo isCarl E. Douglas
Carl E. Douglas
Angel Parker isShawn Chapman
Shawn Chapman
Joe Abraham isEditor #2
Editor #2
Chelsea Alden isKato Fan #1
Kato Fan #1
Amiée Conn isKato Fan #2
Kato Fan #2
Nick Baga isKato Hater #1
Kato Hater #1
Farley Jackson isKato Hater #2
Kato Hater #2
Greg Collins isSheriff's Deputy
Sheriff's Deputy
Kyle Einsohn isComputer Kid
Computer Kid
Sanyee Yuan isHostess #1
Hostess #1
Sonya English isHostess #2
Hostess #2
Evan Handler isAlan Dershowitz
Alan Dershowitz
Hudson West isTravis Clark
Travis Clark
Larry King isHimself
Rio Hackford isPat McKenna
Pat McKenna
Chris Conner isJeffrey Toobin
Jeffrey Toobin
Rob Morrow isBarry Scheck
Barry Scheck
Walter Addison isPrelim Judge
Prelim Judge
Courtney Cook isJo-Ellan Dimitrius
Jo-Ellan Dimitrius
Clint Jordan isMichael Viner
Michael Viner
Judy Nazemetz isFocus Group Woman
Focus Group Woman
Cocoa Brown isQueen Bee
Queen Bee
Diana Daves isGolden Girl
Golden Girl
Virginia Louise Smith isFrancine Florio-Bunten
Francine Florio-Bunten
Cassius M. Willis isMichael Knox
Michael Knox
Joseph Siravo isFred Goldman
Fred Goldman
Susan Beaubian isArmanda Cooley
Armanda Cooley
Jeris Poindexter isWatson Calhoun
Watson Calhoun
Marilyn Harris Smith isElderly Black Woman
Elderly Black Woman
Tayler Buck isMelodie Cochran
Melodie Cochran
Judith McConnell isSocialite #1
Socialite #1
Linda DeMetrick isSocialite #2
Socialite #2
Thai Douglas isSergeant
Ricky Harris isBlack Bullhorn
Black Bullhorn
Steven Allen isWhite Bullhorn
White Bullhorn
Brian Oblak isMotorcycle Cop
Motorcycle Cop
Mma-Syrai Alek isTiffany Cochran
Tiffany Cochran
Bonita Friedericy isPatti Goldman
Patti Goldman
Robert Morse isDominick Dunne
Dominick Dunne
Iris Almario isTV Reporter
TV Reporter
Cory Blevins isDivorce Lawyer
Divorce Lawyer
Peggy Blow isRosa Lopez
Rosa Lopez
Bryant Boon isNetwork Exec
Network Exec
Brian Byrnes isGordon Clark
Gordon Clark
Tracy Fraim isAllen Edwards
Allen Edwards
Jeffrey Markle isGordon's Lawyer
Gordon's Lawyer
Alma Martinez isFamily Court Judge
Family Court Judge
Brandon Parrish isNewspaper Reporter
Newspaper Reporter
Angela Elayne Gibbs isBarbara Cochran
Barbara Cochran
Arriane Alexander isFemale Reporter
Female Reporter
Rick Chambers isMale Reporter
Male Reporter
Kelly Dowdle isNicole Brown Simpson
Nicole Brown Simpson
Julia Parker isPatricia Cochran
Patricia Cochran
Roger Rignack isGlove Expert
Glove Expert
Keli Daniels isMarcia Stand-In
Marcia Stand-In
Dijon Talton isSheriff's Deputy #1
Sheriff's Deputy #1
Ian Stanley isSheriff's Deputy #2
Sheriff's Deputy #2
Tim Halling isSheriff's Deputy #3
Sheriff's Deputy #3
Joe Delano isSheriff's Deputy #4
Sheriff's Deputy #4
David M. Edelstien isWest Side Guy #1
West Side Guy #1
Deacon Ledges isWest Side Guy #2
West Side Guy #2
Rick Otto isDeputy Adam
Deputy Adam
Dalila Ali Rajah isCochran's Secretary
Cochran's Secretary
Carla Vila isDeputy Green
Deputy Green
Frances Gray isBeatrice Wilson
Beatrice Wilson
Millette Pauley isBrenda Moran
Brenda Moran
Hardy Awadjie isMob Member #1
Mob Member #1
Marguerite Moreau isLaura Hart McKinny
Laura Hart McKinny
Diana Burbano isMob Member #2
Mob Member #2
Jonathan Cousens isMob Member #3
Mob Member #3
Jerry Boyd isBlack Lawyer
Black Lawyer
Christiann Castellanos isMarcia's Assistant
Marcia's Assistant
Joseph Culliton isJudge Reid
Judge Reid
David Douglas isCivil Rights Protestor
Civil Rights Protestor
Joshua Hooks isSouthern Bailiff
Southern Bailiff
David A. Kimball isSouthern Judge
Southern Judge
Sean Spann isCampaign Consultant
Campaign Consultant
Ryan Grainger is90's Dancer (uncredited)
90's Dancer (uncredited)
Traci Belushi isGil's Secretary
Gil's Secretary
Tyler Poelle isReporter
Vincenzo Amato isVersace Spokesman
Versace Spokesman
Luke Albright isCameraman
Naomi Matsuda isDr. Emma Lew
Dr. Emma Lew
Chic Daniel isFBI Head of Violent Crimes
FBI Head of Violent Crimes
Khotan Fernández isLazaro Quintana
Lazaro Quintana
Oscar Corbella isCafé Owner
Café Owner
Eduardo Ibarrola isKiosk Owner
Kiosk Owner
Dutch Johnson isParamedic
Christine Allocca isPatrol Officer #1
Patrol Officer #1
Charles Maceo isPatrol Officer #2
Patrol Officer #2
Scott Broderick isPatrol Officer #3
Patrol Officer #3
Alejandro Posadas isPatrol Officer #4
Patrol Officer #4
Joseph Barrios isPolaroid Man
Polaroid Man
Emil Beheshti isSurgeon #1
Surgeon #1
Victor J. Ho isSurgeon #2
Surgeon #2
Sally Shamrell isSurgeon #3
Surgeon #3
Levon Rector isSWAT Officer #1
SWAT Officer #1
Courtney Grant isSWAT Officer #2
SWAT Officer #2
Lili Wexu isTourist Rep
Tourist Rep
Cathy Moriarty isVivian Oliva
Vivian Oliva
Jay R. Ferguson isAgent Keith Evans
Agent Keith Evans
Christine Horn isAgent Talarah Gruber
Agent Talarah Gruber
Joe Adler isJerome
Dascha Polanco isDet. Lori Wieder
Det. Lori Wieder
Will Chase isDet. Paul Scrimshaw
Det. Paul Scrimshaw
José Zúñiga isDet. George Navarro
Det. George Navarro
Annaleigh Ashford isElizabeth Cote
Elizabeth Cote
Giovanni Cirfiera isSanto Versace
Santo Versace
Elle Taylor isDrag Donatella
Drag Donatella
Judith Light isMarilyn Miglin
Marilyn Miglin
Alex Fernandez isMatt L. Rodriguez
Matt L. Rodriguez
Jack Armstrong isJ. Paul Beitler
J. Paul Beitler
Jacob Fortner isDuke Miglin
Duke Miglin
Gregg Lawrence isWilliam Reese
William Reese
Patrick O'Connor isSteve Byers
Steve Byers
Pamela Shafer isBarbara Byers
Barbara Byers
Matt Miller isJim Edgar
Jim Edgar
Nicola Lambo isTerry Mason
Terry Mason
Nina O'Keefe isOfficer Olive Dickey
Officer Olive Dickey
Robert Maffia isChicago Detective #1
Chicago Detective #1
Randall Wulff isChicago Detective #2
Chicago Detective #2
Scott Subiono isForensic Officer
Forensic Officer
Mike Farrell isLee Miglin
Lee Miglin
Chandra Michaels isChicago Journalist
Chicago Journalist
Finn Wittrock isJeffrey Trail
Jeffrey Trail
Cody Fern isDavid Madson
David Madson
Razaaq Adoti isDet. Jackson
Det. Jackson
Daniel Hagen isDr. Eric Burton
Dr. Eric Burton
Caryn Richman isCarol Madson
Carol Madson
Knox Gagnon isLittle David
Little David
June Carryl isJennifer
Delpaneaux Wills isMinneapolis Patrol Officer
Minneapolis Patrol Officer
Holly Kaplan isDog Walker
Dog Walker
Pablo Espinosa isPatrol Officer
Patrol Officer
John Lacy isHoward Madson
Howard Madson
Tara Summers isLaura Trail
Laura Trail
Todd Maurer isHandsome Date
Handsome Date
Rob Roy Fitzgerald isRichard Schlesinger
Richard Schlesinger
Ric Maddox isLt. Cmdr.
Lt. Cmdr.
Tim Drier isFallen Soldier
Fallen Soldier
Braden Lynch isAdvocate Journalist
Advocate Journalist
Kathrin Middleton isJeff's Mother
Jeff's Mother
Glen Baggerly isJeff's Father
Jeff's Father
Dan Thiel isLaura's Husband
Laura's Husband
Michael Nouri isNorman Blachford
Norman Blachford
Jarrett Worley isDrug Dealer
Drug Dealer
Chris Gatpo isRoom Service Waiter
Room Service Waiter
Gus Cooper isFlicks Bartender
Flicks Bartender
Joanna Adler isMary Ann Cunanan
Mary Ann Cunanan
Terry Sweeney isDavid Gallo
David Gallo
Todd Waring isLincoln Aston
Lincoln Aston
Molly Price isEscort Agency Manager
Escort Agency Manager
Doug Haley isYoung Designer #1
Young Designer #1
Niko Karamyan isYoung Designer #2
Young Designer #2
Henry LeBlanc isOlder Barfly
Older Barfly
Adam Brooks isKevin Bond
Kevin Bond
Josette DiCarlo isVersace Accountant
Versace Accountant
Julio Vargas isPhotographer #1
Photographer #1
Michael Santorico isPhotographer #2
Photographer #2
Nadia Lanfranconi isVersace Assistant
Versace Assistant
Joey Stromberg isYoung Republican
Young Republican
Fabiana Pascali isDesigner #1
Designer #1
Massi Furlan isDesigner #2
Designer #2
Isa Briones isElena Cunanan
Elena Cunanan
Carlin James isChristopher Cunanan
Christopher Cunanan
Avry Adelle isRegina Cunanan
Regina Cunanan
Francesca Fanti isFranca Versace
Franca Versace
Blythe Matsui isReceptionist
Cameron Kasal isQuirky Student
Quirky Student
Roy Abramsohn isMerrill Interviewer #1
Merrill Interviewer #1
Edward Singletary isMerrill Interviewer #2
Merrill Interviewer #2
David Saucedo isPensioner's Son
Pensioner's Son
Zedrick Restauro isTaxi Driver
Taxi Driver
Billy Cruz isYoung Gianni Versace
Young Gianni Versace
Claire Jacobs isInterview Teacher #1
Interview Teacher #1
Lizzie Peet isInterview Teacher #2
Interview Teacher #2
Hanna Margulies isFriendly Gay Girl
Friendly Gay Girl
Ravi Smith isItalian Student
Italian Student
Jon Jon Briones isModesto Cunanan
Modesto Cunanan
Edouard Holdener isYoung Andrew Cunanan
Young Andrew Cunanan
Dana Lyn Baron isItalian Teacher
Italian Teacher
Ruben Madera isAndrew's Uncle
Andrew's Uncle
Cullen Douglas isAgent Reynolds
Agent Reynolds
Rick Chambers isMinneapolis Newscaster
Minneapolis Newscaster
Dion Basco isManila News Presenter
Manila News Presenter
Robert Burgos isFernando Carriera
Fernando Carriera
Livia Treviño isComo House Servant
Como House Servant
Gabriela Fresquez isSan Diego Newscaster
San Diego Newscaster
Joe Souza isMiami Newscaster
Miami Newscaster
Steve Kuzj isNational Reporter
National Reporter
Gerri Helfman isCasa Reporter
Casa Reporter
Lorenzo Toledo isSWAT Commander
SWAT Commander
Kevin Pollak isBernie Nussbaum
Bernie Nussbaum
Ian Alda isDanny Traylor
Danny Traylor
Nicolas Coster isLloyd Cutler
Lloyd Cutler
Deidre Lee isAerobics Instructor
Aerobics Instructor
David Babich isFBI Agent
FBI Agent
Maxine Phoenix isFemale Staffer
Female Staffer
David Magidoff isJunior Lawyer
Junior Lawyer
Ken Ivy isWaiter
Garrett Louis isYoung Staffer
Young Staffer
Geoff Nathanson isOmni Reporter #1
Omni Reporter #1
Heath Gfeller isOmni Reporter #2
Omni Reporter #2
Cole Stratton isOmni Reporter #3
Omni Reporter #3
David Gascon isOmni Reporter #4
Omni Reporter #4
David St. James isOld Guy Reporter
Old Guy Reporter
Brennan Feonix isSecret Service Guy
Secret Service Guy
Diane Mizota isFemale Reporter
Female Reporter
Ken Rudulph isAnother Reporter
Another Reporter
Mike Everett isVince Foster Reporter
Vince Foster Reporter
Alex Banks isJones Baby
Jones Baby
Chase Banks isJones Baby
Jones Baby
Elizabeth Reaser isKathleen Willey
Kathleen Willey
Emil Beheshti isJoe Cammarata
Joe Cammarata
Jeff Elam isGil Davis
Gil Davis
Christopher Wallinger isRichard Porter
Richard Porter
George Harrison Xanthis isGeorge Stephanopoulos
George Stephanopoulos
Taran Killam isSteve Jones
Steve Jones
Craig Welzbacher isAgent Irons
Agent Irons
Colin Hanks isMike Emmick
Mike Emmick
Cobie Smulders isAnn Coulter
Ann Coulter
Brian Maillard isAgent Fallon
Agent Fallon
Jason Potter isStephen Goodin
Stephen Goodin
Matthew Iott isMiddle Aged White House Staffer
Middle Aged White House Staffer
Jordan Hubbard isSecret Service Agent
Secret Service Agent
Joel Ambo isAndrew
Jack J. Bennett isWest Wing Staffer
West Wing Staffer
Isaac Jay isIntern
Serena Laney isAssistant
Lexi Graboski isNordstrom Associate
Nordstrom Associate
John Atkins isPresident's Aide
President's Aide
Kristin Carey isCNN Reporter
CNN Reporter
Danny Jacobs isMichael Isikoff
Michael Isikoff
Julie Pearl isAnn McDaniel
Ann McDaniel
Sarah Catherine Hook isCatherine Allday Davis
Catherine Allday Davis
Mira Sorvino isMarcia Lewis
Marcia Lewis
Rae Dawn Chong isBetty Currie
Betty Currie
George Salazar isGeorge Conway
George Conway
Judith Light isSusan Carpenter-McMillan
Susan Carpenter-McMillan
Emma Malouff isAllison Tripp
Allison Tripp
Anastasia Barkow isChelsea Clinton
Chelsea Clinton
Billy Eichner isMatt Drudge
Matt Drudge
Kim Matula isLaura Ingraham
Laura Ingraham
Tamra Meskimen isAnne Farris
Anne Farris
Jung Park isShopper
Dennis Atlas isSales Associate
Sales Associate
Rebecca Bujko isReceptionist
Theo Wilson isNewsweek Guy #2
Newsweek Guy #2
Eli Revivo isSpa Stylist
Spa Stylist
Arthur Richardson isMagazine Stand Guy
Magazine Stand Guy
Tim Redmond isTim Russert
Tim Russert
Jim Rash isKen Bacon
Ken Bacon
Jamie Baer isColleen
Christopher McDonald isRobert S. 'Bob' Bennett
Robert S. 'Bob' Bennett
Jay M. Brooks isSecurity Guard
Security Guard
Cory Bird isRadioShack Employee
RadioShack Employee
Abigayle Lenzinger isAllison's Friend
Allison's Friend
Kevin Gardner isProcess Server
Process Server
Rebecca Lowman isMarsha Scott
Marsha Scott
Teddy Sears isJim Fisher
Jim Fisher
Brandon Bales isWes Holmes
Wes Holmes
Blair Underwood isVernon Jordan
Vernon Jordan
Chris Riggi isJake Tapper
Jake Tapper
T.J. Thyne isKirby Behre
Kirby Behre
Kara Luiz isBeverly Lambert
Beverly Lambert
Rueben Grundy isFrank Carter
Frank Carter
Stephanie T. Keefer isCourt Reporter
Court Reporter
Michael Otis isPlainclothes Agent
Plainclothes Agent
James Nichols II isAgent with Earpiece
Agent with Earpiece
Jarod Scott isRick Lambert
Rick Lambert
Brian Maillard isAgent Fallon (uncredited)
Agent Fallon (uncredited)
Mike Kalinowski isAgent with Headphones
Agent with Headphones
Maury Morgan isJudge Wright
Judge Wright
Ryan Nassif isRyan Tripp
Ryan Tripp
Darren Goldstein isJackie Bennett
Jackie Bennett
Dan Bakkedahl isKenneth 'Ken' Starr
Kenneth 'Ken' Starr
Jeannetta Arnette isDelmer Lee Corbin
Delmer Lee Corbin
Morgan Peter Brown isPaul Rosenzweig
Paul Rosenzweig
Ashlie Atkinson isJuanita Broaddrick
Juanita Broaddrick
Lindsey Broad isKarin Immergut
Karin Immergut
Jared Gertner isSol Wisenberg
Sol Wisenberg
Alan Starzinski isBrett Kavanaugh
Brett Kavanaugh
Kristhy Morales isFemale Agent
Female Agent
Tim Martin Gleason isMitchell Ettinger
Mitchell Ettinger
David Babich isSpecial Agent Dean
Special Agent Dean
Mickey Maxwell isSpecial Agent Burke
Special Agent Burke
Chelsea Averill isBreastfeeding Woman
Breastfeeding Woman
Fred Melamed isWilliam H. 'Bill' Ginsberg
William H. 'Bill' Ginsberg
Rob Brownstein isDr. Bernard Lewinsky
Dr. Bernard Lewinsky
Eliza Shin isBernie's Secretary (voice)
Bernie's Secretary (voice)
Amanda Michelle Smith isCrate & Barrel Clerk
Crate & Barrel Clerk
Natasha Sill isWaitress
Stewart Skelton isJim Lehrer
Jim Lehrer
Brent Sexton isDick Morris
Dick Morris
Kandiss Crone isCNN Anchor
CNN Anchor
Jo Beth Locklear isHay Adams Hostess
Hay Adams Hostess
Lynn Adrianna isLisa Stein
Lisa Stein
Sam Sibilsky isNewsweek Copy Editor
Newsweek Copy Editor
Carol Schlanger isHelen Thomas
Helen Thomas
Greg Yoder isStephen
Michael Fitzgerald isStephen Enghouse
Stephen Enghouse
Payson Lewis isAndy Bleiler
Andy Bleiler
Patrick Fischler isSidney Blumenthal
Sidney Blumenthal
Marlon Correa isCamera Man
Camera Man
Lora Bofill isWhite House Reporter #1
White House Reporter #1
Jill Maglione isWhite House Reporter #2
White House Reporter #2
Michael Edwin isSound Guy
Sound Guy
Jake Reiner isWhite House Reporter #3
White House Reporter #3
Michael Scott isBombay Club Waiter
Bombay Club Waiter
Andrew Hansen isCNN Reporter
CNN Reporter
Johnny Giacalone isHead Writer
Head Writer
Jay Jackson isNews Anchor
News Anchor
Zake Rettman isOregon Reporter #1
Oregon Reporter #1
Beth Fraser isOregon Reporter #2
Oregon Reporter #2
Evan Casey isPaparazzi
Chelsea Edwards isReporter Outside White House
Reporter Outside White House
Zylan Brooks isCourt Reporter
Court Reporter
Jay Bingham isNBC News Weekend Anchor #1
NBC News Weekend Anchor #1
Raquel Leigh Harris isNBC News Weekend Anchor #2
NBC News Weekend Anchor #2
Chris Wolfe isReporter #1
Reporter #1
Christopher May isSteve Kroft
Steve Kroft
Jason Cook isMatt Lauer
Matt Lauer
Mike Randleman isSandy Berger
Sandy Berger
Chopper Bernet isHugh Shelton
Hugh Shelton
Jeff Marlow isGeorge Tenet
George Tenet
Jayne Han isDr. Connie Mariano
Dr. Connie Mariano
Carrie Gibson isJanet Reno
Janet Reno
Joseph Mazzello isPaul Begala
Paul Begala
Peter Oldring isDavid E. Kendall
David E. Kendall
Warren Sweeney isPlato Cacheris
Plato Cacheris
Michael Claman isBill's Aide #1
Bill's Aide #1
Tatum Langton isPress Aide
Press Aide
Heather Palmer isHillary Aide
Hillary Aide
Johari Johnson isReporter Outside Federal Building
Reporter Outside Federal Building
Josh Archer isSecret Service Agent
Secret Service Agent
Anthony E. Williams isSecurity Detail
Security Detail
Jackie Nova isCourt Reporter
Court Reporter
Doran Butler isSinging Caterer #1
Singing Caterer #1
Collin Campana isSinging Caterer #2
Singing Caterer #2
Marc Oka isSinging Chef
Singing Chef
Jack Shulruff isBill's Aide #2
Bill's Aide #2
Aaron Coleman isNathaniel Speights
Nathaniel Speights
Chic Daniel isFBI Tech Advisor
FBI Tech Advisor
McKay Mangum isPress Photographer
Press Photographer
B Z Cullins isCourt Security Officer
Court Security Officer
Taneka Johnson isForewoman Freda Alexander
Forewoman Freda Alexander
Suzanne H. Smart isJuror Who Looks Like Kirstie Alley
Juror Who Looks Like Kirstie Alley
Richard Wharton isPonytail Juror
Ponytail Juror
Celestial isElderly Female Juror
Elderly Female Juror
Pamela Roberts isWoman in Burgundy
Woman in Burgundy
Brandee Steger isMeticulous Juror
Meticulous Juror
Chanda Hartman isJuror in Earth Tones
Juror in Earth Tones
Monique Mosee isKen Bacon's Secretary
Ken Bacon's Secretary
Jim Garrity isJim Moran
Jim Moran
Christopher Redman isAnthony Zaccagnini
Anthony Zaccagnini
Julianne Buescher isMary Anne Wirth
Mary Anne Wirth
Ira Scipio isFBI Agent
FBI Agent
Cat Elliot isReporter Outside Courthouse #1
Reporter Outside Courthouse #1
Lasaundra Gibson isReporter Outside Courthouse #2
Reporter Outside Courthouse #2
William Sterling isReporter Outside Courthouse #3
Reporter Outside Courthouse #3
Bamm Ericsen isStreet Preacher
Street Preacher
Glenn Edward isCNN Interviewer
CNN Interviewer
Mary Kate Corsetti isReporter Outside Courthouse #3
Reporter Outside Courthouse #3
Charlotte Flyte isWincing Reporter
Wincing Reporter
Vick Sabitjian isRon (Groundskeeper)
Ron (Groundskeeper)
Jason C. Daniels isResidence Inn Dad
Residence Inn Dad
Ethan Hathaway isResidence Inn Son
Residence Inn Son
Nicholas Dubberley isResidence Inn Man
Residence Inn Man
Don Frankel isAccordian Player #1
Accordian Player #1
Daniel Avidon isAccordian Player #2
Accordian Player #2
Amy Pietz isLisa Myers
Lisa Myers
Dan Pfau isCollins
Ken Palmer isCharles Ruff
Charles Ruff
Kasha Fauscett isAnnie Leibovitz
Annie Leibovitz
Eric Satterberg isEarl Miller
Earl Miller
Robert Riechel Jr. isRev. Tony Campolo
Rev. Tony Campolo
Tatum Shank isRep. Ed Bryant
Rep. Ed Bryant
Elaine Rivkin isMargaret Carlson
Margaret Carlson
Jean St. James isDr. Joyce Brothers
Dr. Joyce Brothers
Steve Kuzj isCNN Reporter Outside Capitol
CNN Reporter Outside Capitol
Danny Max isFox Reporter
Fox Reporter
John Churchill isProducer Chris
Producer Chris
Holden Myers isReporter Inside Capitol
Reporter Inside Capitol
Cameron Klein isStanford Student #1
Stanford Student #1
Kaiya Chenae Wynn isStanford Student #2
Stanford Student #2
Brett Morachnick isStanford Student #3
Stanford Student #3
Dilay Akcora isKim (Stanford Student #4)
Kim (Stanford Student #4)
Ray Dennis isSecurity Guard #1
Security Guard #1
Fernando Huc isSecurity Guard #2
Security Guard #2
Lana Cash isWoman on Park Bench
Woman on Park Bench
Kate Mines isWoman at Desk
Woman at Desk
Eddy Lee isStaffer #2
Staffer #2
Madison Abbott isVogue Aide
Vogue Aide
Veronica Mendoza isPenthouse Stylist
Penthouse Stylist
Andy Hoff isThirtysomething Man
Thirtysomething Man
Ryan Barker isNYU Grad Student
NYU Grad Student
Makayla Montelongo isWoman in Benetton Sweatshirt
Woman in Benetton Sweatshirt
Eric Barron isPhysician Assistant
Physician Assistant
Kevin Logie isMaitre'D
Richard Traub isBorders Rep
Borders Rep
Ashley Rideaux isBayside Woman
Bayside Woman
Kuali'i Wittman isBorders Security Guard
Borders Security Guard
David Schwartzbaum isGuy in Crowd
Guy in Crowd
Will Selva isCNN Anchor
CNN Anchor
Jennifer Yun isNBC Reporter
NBC Reporter
Callie Ott isThirtysomething Woman
Thirtysomething Woman
Anne Gregory isThirtysomething Woman #2
Thirtysomething Woman #2
Marty Dew isThirtysomething Man #2
Thirtysomething Man #2
London Garcia isWoman in Crowd
Woman in Crowd
Allison Chin isYoung Couple (Female)
Young Couple (Female)
Mark Reininga isYoung Couple (Male)
Young Couple (Male)
Charlie Farrell isCNN Reporter
CNN Reporter
Mike Powers isNews Anchor
News Anchor
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