8.6 10
A la caza de Espíritus Malignos

A la caza de Espíritus Malignos

Empleados de un restaurante de día, cazadores de demonios de noche. Ellos usan sus habilidades especiales para derrotar espíritus malignos que persiguen humanos.

The Uncanny Counter

Ayuda a Solo Latino a crecer y durar compartiéndolo con vuestros amigos

Para poder criticar y votar deberás iniciar sesión
Por ahora no hay ninguna critica o voto, se el primero!
  • 70 Min.
  • TMDB
  • Compañías de producciones


    Yu Jun-sang isGa Mo-tak
    Ga Mo-tak
    Ahn Suk-hwan isChoi Jang-mul
    Choi Jang-mul
    Kim Se-jeong isDo Ha-na
    Do Ha-na
    Yeom Hye-ran isChu Mae-ok
    Chu Mae-ok
    Yoo In-soo isNa Jeok-bong
    Na Jeok-bong
    Jin Sun-kyu isMa Ju-seok
    Ma Ju-seok
    Kang Ki-young isHwang Pil-gwang
    Hwang Pil-gwang
    Kim Hieora isGelly Choi
    Gelly Choi
    Kim Hyun Wook isWong Liqiang
    Wong Liqiang
    Kim So-ra isKim Gi-ran
    Kim Gi-ran
    Lee Chan-hyung isKwon Su-ho
    Kwon Su-ho
    Kwon Duk-in isLee U-sik
    Lee U-sik
    Kim Eun-soo isKim Ung-min
    Kim Ung-min
    Lee Ji-won isLim Ju-yeon
    Lim Ju-yeon
    Yoon Joo-sang isHa Seok-gu
    Ha Seok-gu
    Lee Joo-sil isJang Chun-ok
    Jang Chun-ok
    Lee Kyeong-min isKang Han-ul
    Kang Han-ul
    Hong Ji-hee isLee Min-ji
    Lee Min-ji
    Seong Byeong-suk isShin Jeong-ae
    Shin Jeong-ae
    Park Jung-bok isPark Seong-uk
    Park Seong-uk
    Jeong Taek-hyeon isLim Jae-youl
    Lim Jae-youl
    Seo Byuk-joon isPark Do-hwi
    Park Do-hwi
    Sung Ji-ru isJang Cheol-jung
    Jang Cheol-jung
    Jun Suk-ho isSo Gwon
    So Gwon
    Son Yeo-eun isHa Mun-yeong
    Ha Mun-yeong
    Kim Geon-u isSo Mun (Young)
    So Mun (Young)
    Kim Yeon-Woo isJung Geun-yeong
    Jung Geun-yeong
    Kim Yong-Han isLee Cheon-jung
    Lee Cheon-jung
    Lee Sun-bin isHeo Hui-yeong
    Heo Hui-yeong
    Shim Young-Min isKwon Jin-seung
    Kwon Jin-seung
    Ok Chan-yu isSeong-hyeon
    Lee Sang-hong isSeong-hyeon's Father
    Seong-hyeon's Father
    Kim Si-Eun isSchool Girl
    School Girl
    Lee Kyu-ho isDdeok-dae
    Jang Won-hyuk isJeong-kwon
    Park A-sung isHa-jeong
    An Su-ho isHeo Tae-su
    Heo Tae-su
    So Hee-jung isBae Jeong-suk
    Bae Jeong-suk
    Choi Gyo-sik isSchool Girl's Father
    School Girl's Father
    Lee Jong-yoon isEvil Spirit
    Evil Spirit
    Lee Young-jin isdr. Oh Seung-cheol
    dr. Oh Seung-cheol
    Park Eun-young isPatient Caregiver
    Patient Caregiver
    Kim Gun-ho isTeacher
    Park Gi-ryung isBully Father
    Bully Father
    Kim Sang-il isBully Father
    Bully Father
    Son Kang-gook isChoi Su-ryong
    Choi Su-ryong
    Park Jin-soo isChief Pyo
    Chief Pyo
    Kim Jung-jin isJang Hye-kyeong
    Jang Hye-kyeong
    Lee Do-gyeong isJeon Gi-hwan
    Jeon Gi-hwan
    Gu Bon-jin isPolice Officer
    Police Officer
    Jang Eui-don isPolice Officer
    Police Officer
    Cha Si-won isLim Jae-cheol
    Lim Jae-cheol
    Kwon Hyuk isBae Sang-pil
    Bae Sang-pil
    Kim Yi-kyeong isKim Yeong-nim
    Kim Yeong-nim
    Park Seo-yeon isKim Dan-o
    Kim Dan-o
    Lee Ye-bit isKim Dan-bi
    Kim Dan-bi
    Song Ji Woo isDo Ha-yeong
    Do Ha-yeong
    Jang Hyun-jin isDetective
    Jung Ji-ho isJi Hyeong-u
    Ji Hyeong-u
    Song Kyung-hwa isDo Ha-na's Mother
    Do Ha-na's Mother
    Park Sang-hyeok isDo Ha-na's Father
    Do Ha-na's Father
    Seol Chang-hui isBlood Laboratorium Staff
    Blood Laboratorium Staff
    Kim Jun isBoy with Snack
    Boy with Snack
    Kim Kwang-shik isSong Man-ho
    Song Man-ho
    Kim Gwi-seon isLeader of Reforms Party
    Leader of Reforms Party
    Hayden isYoo Yeong-jae
    Yoo Yeong-jae
    Han Kang-ho isHan Seung-woo
    Han Seung-woo
    Oh Ki-hwan isDetective
    Jang Young-hyun isPark Sang-chul
    Park Sang-chul
    Jeong Hyeon-u isBaek Hyang-hui's Attorney
    Baek Hyang-hui's Attorney
    Min Sang Woo isTaesin's Security Staff
    Taesin's Security Staff
    Kim O-bok isTaesin's Employee
    Taesin's Employee
    Seon Yool-woo isSubordinate
    Oh Kyu-taek isGolf Club Employee
    Golf Club Employee
    Yang Taek-ho isEvil Spirit
    Evil Spirit
    Park Seoung-tae isHan Seung-woo's Grandmother
    Han Seung-woo's Grandmother
    Jung Dong-geun isProsecutor
    Park Chul-Min isSDC Reporter
    SDC Reporter
    Woo Mi-hwa isKim Chal-gwan
    Kim Chal-gwan
    Lee Do-guk isKwon Jin-ho
    Kwon Jin-ho
    Ko Eun-Seo isKwon So-eun
    Kwon So-eun
    Kim So-young isKNC Announcer
    KNC Announcer
    Jo Ha-seok isChoi Yeong-il
    Choi Yeong-il
    Nam Tae-woo isJang-su's Colleague
    Jang-su's Colleague
    Lee Kyu-sub isCho Tae-sin's Subordinate
    Cho Tae-sin's Subordinate
    Yoo Seong-hyun isLee Seon-ho
    Lee Seon-ho
    Kim Do-young isLee Seon-ho's Brother
    Lee Seon-ho's Brother
    Kim Kwon isDoctor
    Kim Ji-su isCampaign Staff
    Campaign Staff
    Lee Jin-kwon isSubordinate
    Yoo Tae-joo isSubordinate
    Shin Na-Ra isSubordinate
    Kim Joo-ah isKim Jeong-yeong's Mother
    Kim Jeong-yeong's Mother
    Hong Dae-sung isDetective
    Kim Young-Joo isDetective
    Yoon Hwan isBoyfriend of Girl in the Toilet
    Boyfriend of Girl in the Toilet
    Park Sang-jun isDetective
    Kang Ji-yeon isGirl in the Toilet
    Girl in the Toilet
    Lee Jeong-yeol isShim Kyu-chan
    Shim Kyu-chan
    Jang Yong-su isSDC Announcer
    SDC Announcer
    Kim Gyeong-min isShin Myeong-hwi's Attorney
    Shin Myeong-hwi's Attorney
    Kang Ji-hoon isSDC Announcer
    SDC Announcer
    Lee Joong-yeol isDashcam Owner
    Dashcam Owner
    Choi Yoon-woo isJi Cheong-sin (Young)
    Ji Cheong-sin (Young)
    Choi Go isOrphan
    Shin Jae-won isBoy with Ball
    Boy with Ball
    Yi Seo isJeong-eun
    Mi Seok isKim Deok-sik
    Kim Deok-sik
    Son Ho-jun isOh Jeong-gu
    Oh Jeong-gu
    Im Ji-gyu isDong-pal
    Lee Byeong-cheol isShin Myeong-hwi's Supporter
    Shin Myeong-hwi's Supporter
    Yoon Jong-goo isTaxi Driver
    Taxi Driver
    Kim Min-seung isShin Hyeok-u (Young)
    Shin Hyeok-u (Young)
    Jang In-ho isMale Evil
    Male Evil
    Ha Dong-joon isProsecutor
    Kim Bong-soo isSaved Soul
    Saved Soul
    Lee Hong-nae isJi Cheong-sin
    Ji Cheong-sin
    Han Ji Seok isChinese Counter
    Chinese Counter
    Park Tae-san isChinese Counter
    Chinese Counter
    Heo Dong-won isHeo Je-hun
    Heo Je-hun
    Choi So-yul isChoi Na-yul
    Choi Na-yul
    Choi Seol-ah isKindergartener
    Kim Si-a isKindergartener
    Seok Eun-woo isKindergartener
    Cho Yeon-je isKindergartener
    Yoon So-min isKindergartener
    Ko Tae-un isKindergartener
    Jegal Eun-yu isKindergartener
    Lee Ji-ho isKindergartener
    Kim Do-geun isKindergartener
    Lee Do-gyeom isKindergartener
    Kim Si-eun isKindergartener
    Oh Seo-yeon isKindergartener
    Lee Seo-yeong isKindergartener
    Jeon Ha-eum isKindergartener
    Kim Yun-seul isKindergartener
    Shin Min-seo isKindergartener
    Lee Jae-hyeon isKindergartener
    Hwang Jae-min isKindergartener
    Kwon Min-sung isKindergartener
    Kang Hye-won isKindergartener
    Jung Jae-won isChief Detective Kim Kwang
    Chief Detective Kim Kwang
    Bae Hyun-kyung isDetective Jang Jae-seok
    Detective Jang Jae-seok
    Lee So-Geum isDetective
    Lee Tae-kyung isKindergarten Teacher
    Kindergarten Teacher
    Jeon Jun-u isFirefighter
    Kang Jeong-im isJun-hui's Mother
    Jun-hui's Mother
    Jung Ja-Young isJun-hui's Dad
    Jun-hui's Dad
    Kang Gu-ha isGangster
    Kim Hyeon-jun isLee Chung-jae
    Lee Chung-jae
    Kim Dae-geun isGangster
    Kim Do-hyeon isKindergartener
    Lee Ha-lang isMiddle School Girl
    Middle School Girl
    Shin Hyun-jong isNa Jeok-bong's Father
    Na Jeok-bong's Father
    No Hui-jung isScam Victim
    Scam Victim
    Joo Seung-Do isBodyguard
    Pyo Ki-hun isCourt Staff
    Court Staff
    Jung Min-seop isFirefighter
    Kim Sa-rang isMiddle School Girl
    Middle School Girl
    Hwang Jun-hyeok isPark Do-hwi's Friend
    Park Do-hwi's Friend
    Kim Min-je isPark Do-hwi's Friend
    Park Do-hwi's Friend
    Yoo Ga-eun isHigh School Girl
    High School Girl
    Kim Gyu-bin isPiano Academy Student Ah-rim
    Piano Academy Student Ah-rim
    Lee Ji-hyeon isPiano Academy Student Ye-ji
    Piano Academy Student Ye-ji
    Kang Seung-joo isEscort Officer
    Escort Officer
    Baek In-Kwon isPrisoner
    Park Se-yo isBurglar Evil
    Burglar Evil
    Kim Hyeong-geun isGas Station Evil
    Gas Station Evil
    Jung You-me isMa Ju-seok's Evil Spirit
    Ma Ju-seok's Evil Spirit
    Choi Seung-Il isSeong-sik's Father
    Seong-sik's Father
    Jang Jae-kwon isMa Ju-seok's Attorney
    Ma Ju-seok's Attorney
    Jo Young-Mi isProtester
    Chae Won-woo isPrison Guard
    Prison Guard
    Ryu Kyeong-hwan isMoney Launderer
    Money Launderer
    Kim Yong-jin isPrison Guard
    Prison Guard
    Kim Da-han isBully Evil Spirit
    Bully Evil Spirit
    Noh Seung-woo isJang Won-shik
    Jang Won-shik
    Kang Dong-zu isBaekdu's Subordinate
    Baekdu's Subordinate
    Kim Kwang-seok isBaekdu's Subordinate
    Baekdu's Subordinate
    Yoon Seo-jin isHan Song-a
    Han Song-a
    Ha Jae Yeol isKim Pil-won
    Kim Pil-won
    Park Se-jun isApartment Salesman
    Apartment Salesman
    Yoo Yong isdr. Choi Seung-hun
    dr. Choi Seung-hun
    Yu Hyung-jun isGang Member
    Gang Member
    Shin Soo-Hyun isGolf Caddie
    Golf Caddie
    Josh Newton isForeign Gang Member
    Foreign Gang Member
    Kovalenko Maksym isForeign Gang Member
    Foreign Gang Member
    Awe Titus Olukayode isForeign Gang Member
    Foreign Gang Member
    Kim Moon-ho isShimyang Shipping Employee
    Shimyang Shipping Employee
    Oh Choong-geun isPolice Officer
    Police Officer
    Na Eun-hoo isSo Mun (Young
    So Mun (Young
    Lee Ru-gyeom isPolice Officer
    Police Officer
    Seol Jun-su isPolice Officer
    Police Officer
    Song In-seop isPolice Officer
    Police Officer
    Go Su-min isWoman Who Yells
    Woman Who Yells
    Seo Jun-seo isReporter
    Lee Ji-won isLee Chung-jae Subordinate
    Lee Chung-jae Subordinate
    Byeon Jeong-hyeon isPolice Officer
    Police Officer
    Kim Tae-won isPolice Officer
    Police Officer
    Park Si-woo isMa Ju-seok (Young)
    Ma Ju-seok (Young)
    Kim Hye-yoon isLee Min-ji (Young)
    Lee Min-ji (Young)
    Hay otros ocultos

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