8.2 10
El rey león

El rey león

Jun. 23, 1994

La mayor aventura, es encontrar nuestro sitio, en el ciclo de la vida.

La sabana africana es el escenario en el que tienen lugar las aventuras de Simba, un pequeño león que es el heredero del trono. Sin embargo, al ser injustamente acusado por el malvado Scar de la muerte de su padre, se ve obligado a exiliarse. Durante su destierro, hará buenas amistades e intentará regresar para recuperar lo que legítimamente le corresponde.

Ver Colección de El rey león

Incluye los titulos: El rey león 3: Hakuna Matata,El rey león II: El reino de Simba,El rey león.

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  • USA
  • 85 Min.
  • G
  • IMDB
  • TMDB
  • Director

    Roger Allers


    Matthew Broderick isSimba (voice)
    Simba (voice)
    James Earl Jones isKing Mufasa (voice)
    King Mufasa (voice)
    Jeremy Irons isScar (voice)
    Scar (voice)
    Rowan Atkinson isZazu the Hornbill (voice)
    Zazu the Hornbill (voice)
    Niketa Calame isYoung Nala (voice)
    Young Nala (voice)
    Jim Cummings isED the Hyena (voice) / Scar [Singing Voice
    ED the Hyena (voice) / Scar [Singing Voice
    Whoopi Goldberg isShenzi the Hyena (voice)
    Shenzi the Hyena (voice)
    Robert Guillaume isRafiki (voice)
    Rafiki (voice)
    Moira Kelly isNala (voice)
    Nala (voice)
    Nathan Lane isTimon (voice)
    Timon (voice)
    Zoe Leader isSarafina
    Cheech Marin isBanzai the Hyena (voice)
    Banzai the Hyena (voice)
    Ernie Sabella isPumbaa (voice)
    Pumbaa (voice)
    Jonathan Taylor Thomas isYoung Simba (voice)
    Young Simba (voice)
    Frank Welker isLion Roars (voice) (uncredited)
    Lion Roars (voice) (uncredited)
    Cathy Cavadini is(voice) (uncredited)
    (voice) (uncredited)
    Judi M. Durand isAdditional Voices (voice) (uncredited)
    Additional Voices (voice) (uncredited)
    Daamen J. Krall isAdditional Voices (voice) (uncredited)
    Additional Voices (voice) (uncredited)
    David McCharen isAdditional Voices (voice) (uncredited)
    Additional Voices (voice) (uncredited)
    Mary Linda Phillips isAdditional Voices (voice) (uncredited)
    Additional Voices (voice) (uncredited)
    Phil Proctor isAdditional Voices (voice) (uncredited)
    Additional Voices (voice) (uncredited)
    David J. Randolph isAdditional Voices (voice) (uncredited)
    Additional Voices (voice) (uncredited)
    Sally Dworsky isAdult Nala (singing voice)
    Adult Nala (singing voice)
    Evan Saucedo isYoung Simba - in 'Morning Report' (singing voice) (uncredited)
    Young Simba - in 'Morning Report' (singing voice) (uncredited)
    Brian Tochi isFighting Hyena (voice) (uncredited)
    Fighting Hyena (voice) (uncredited)
    Jason Weaver isYoung Simba (singing voice)
    Young Simba (singing voice)
    Joseph Williams isAdult Simba (singing voice)
    Adult Simba (singing voice)
    Laura Williams isYoung Nala (singing voice)
    Young Nala (singing voice)
    Joseph Williams isSibma (Adult) [Singing Voice
    Sibma (Adult) [Singing Voice
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